Approximately 25 percent of UK adults experience heartburn and acid reflux at some point. This can be due to gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, which results in persistent acid reflux or simply due to lifestyle factors such as diet.

Slow down when you are eating

When you are particularly hungry, it can be hard to train yourself to eat slower.

However, slowing down can help ease the symptoms of acid reflux.

The NHS adds that people should try to “eat smaller, more frequent meals”.

This is because when the stomach is very full, there can be more reflux into the oesophagus.

Cut out fizzy drinks

Carbonated beverages may be a nice treat, but they can worsen the symptoms of acid reflux.

If you are experiencing a reflux episode, fizzy drinks can encourage stomach acid to enter the oesophagus.

Furthermore, fizzy drinks can also cause the stomach to enlarge – known as gastric distension.

When the stomach is distended, it increases pressure on the oesophageal sphincter, promoting reflux.

Sleep on an incline

In a similar vein, sleeping slightly propped up can also help to keep content inside the stomach and ease digestion.

The NHS recommends raising one end of your bed between 10 and 20cm by putting something under your bed or mattress.

It adds: “Your chest and head should be above the level of your waist, so stomach acid does not travel up towards your throat.”

Source: Daily Express

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