Michigan Republican John James first entered the national scene as he vied for the U.S. Senate seat held by Democrat Debbie Stabenow in 2018.  Though he fell short, losing to Stabenow by six-and-a-half points, he was undeterred. In 2020, James challenged Michigan’s other Democrat incumbent, Gary Peters, and came within two points in that race.

The third time apparently is the charm, as the 41-year-old Army veteran and businessman just secured a victory in Michigan’s 10th Congressional District. It was close, but DDHQ has now called the race.

With 95 percent of the vote counted, James leads his opponent, Democrat Carl Marlinga, by half a percentage point (approximately 1,600 votes).

That’s one of several D-to-R flips announced today and, at present, DDHQ is showing a pickup of eight seats for the Republicans.

The anticipated red wave may not have materialized, but Republicans are edging ever closer to regaining control of the House (and wresting the Speaker’s gavel from Nancy Pelosi’s hands).

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