The network known as G4TV used to be a nerd haven that was completely stripped from the air in 2014, but years later would be relaunched as an exclusively online YouTube and Twitch channel. The only issue is that this relaunch included elements of wokeness and thanks to that political injection the relaunched network went into a nosedive in terms of support and viewership.
As covered previously, the real issues began when one of the new G4TV hosts, who goes by Frosk, decided to lay into the G4 audience with a feminist rant about how women aren’t there exclusively to look “bangable” to the audience and accused the gaming community of being infested with sexism. The rant had all the typical nonsense you’d expect from a social justice advocate, full of posturing and virtue signaling while self-victimizing and dealing out massive amounts of blame to others.
To make it worse, once her rant was finished, the entire cast and crew of the show (whether they agreed or because they felt they had to) cheered her on and acted as if what she said was something that needed to finally be said. To be clear, this nonsense about the gaming industry being a misogynist hell-hole has been trotted out for almost a decade and it’s still as false now as it was back then.
Frosk included in her rant that if we don’t like what she has to say then don’t watch her or the network. Viewers promptly obliged and G4TV lost the vast majority of its audience.
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Now, the network is clearly desperate to stay afloat and it has completely turned a 180 away from the wokeness of Frosk. Case in point, during one of their shows they invited on Twitch streamer Amouranth who is known for being an erotic streamer and OnlyFans star. During her streams, she’s usually doing something sexual in nature and 90 percent of the time is wearing very revealing swimwear.
During a game show featuring Vtubers on the AustinShow, Amouranth popped out of a ball pit wearing a skimpy pink bikini and shaking her assets. They then threw a lot of euphemisms around for good measure.
Viewer discretion is advised.
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By itself, it might have been a funny moment, but this really feels like a massive overcorrection by G4. The channel was now known for leaning so left that it falls over. Now it’s running so fast away from its previous branding that you smell the desperation. Given Amouranth’s fame in the streaming world, it really feels like her method of inclusion wasn’t an accident.
G4 seems to be attempting to reel viewers back in by completely defying the virtues they signaled during Frosk’s rant about women not being there for the viewing pleasure of men to putting on a streamer most famous for displaying herself for the viewing pleasure of men.
If G4 truly cared about what Frosk espoused (and they vehemently cheered) this wouldn’t have flown under the brand, but here it is. This is proof positive that G4 doesn’t actually care about the “sexism in gaming.” They were either coerced into compliance or fooled into the thinking of the woke crowd. Now that they see it’s not working they’re doing a total 180 in an attempt to gain subscriptions and donations. They’re willing to ditch their professed beliefs to stay afloat.
They got woke and went broke like many others did before them, but this desperate attempt to regain an audience feels just as insulting. It means they think viewers are stupid and will forget that they labeled a bunch of their own audience and their favorite hobby as sexist.
They won’t.
If they had gone the route of not taking anything too seriously as the old G4TV then this move by the channel would have been a hilarious and entertaining episode, but here it just feels like cologne attempting to cover the stink of Frosk’s rant.