A video shared by Good News Dog on Instagram catches the interest of netizens. It was a satisfying video of a five-year-old kid copying texts he sees — even the font was accurately written. Sebastian is a kid gifted with an excellent photographic memory and was diagnosed with hyperlexia. Apparently, Sebastian is also an autistic child.

According to an article from WebMD, “Hyperlexia is often, but not always, part of the autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It’s considered a “splinter skill,” a unique skill that doesn’t have much practical application.” Hyperlexia has three types of conditions, and Sebastian belongs to the second type. Kids in the second category are autistic and often obsessed with numbers and letters. Moreover, children diagnosed with hyperlexia start to read and write beyond the expected development.
Clearly, this was the reason why Sebastian could quickly memorize fonts. On his Instagram bio, it was stated, “Reading since 18 months obsessed with writing and reading”. He is utilizing his skills well, and with the help of Good News Dog, Sebastian was able to globally showcase his talent. They uploaded the video with the caption, “Five-year-old child with autism writing different fonts in chalk.” The kid’s Instagram account was also mentioned in the caption, @litttle.einstein.
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With a wide range of reaches, the video already has a whopping 1,880,081 likes. The post is still gaining attention from netizens — Sebastian was able to amaze many people with his unique skills. He can recreate any font you can find in publishing software from Microsoft Office tools or Adobe applications. People flooded the comment section and expressed their awe in various ways. One commenter who garnered over 100k likes wrote, “Get that kid a calligraphy set.”
He is already impressive with a piece of chalk — people can’t wait to see Sebastian with a calligraphy pen. Watch the video below and visit Sebastian’s Instagram account next to see more of his great works.
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Source: The Autism Site Blog