An Illinois woman left a recent hair appointment with not only a fresh cut and color, but a tip that led to a skin cancer diagnosis, as Good Morning America reports—and she has her hairdresser to thank. 

Hairstylist Sharon Lupo knew something was up when she noticed a new, unusual spot on regular client Mary Rahilly’s scalp. “It was almost a discolored spot,” said Lupo. “I knew I had to tell her.” Lupo encouraged Rahilly to go get the area checked out by a dermatologist, so Rahilly made an appointment right away. 

Lupo’s suspicions were quickly confirmed. The doctor told Rahilly on the spot that the growth looked like skin cancer and applauded Lupo for spotting it. “The doctor said, ‘Kudos to the hairdresser,’” Rahilly told GMA. A biopsy soon verified the cancer diagnosis: Rahilly had squamous cell carcinoma, a common and slow-growing type of skin cancer that mostly occurs in fair-skinned people with sun damage, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). Rahilly was able to have surgery to remove the cancer before it spread. She told GMA that she feels “grateful” for Lupo’s help finding it early.  

The scalp is a vulnerable place when it comes to skin cancer because many people brush over the area when it comes to preventing and detecting skin cancer in this area. While shielding the scalp from skin-damaging rays is an important part of sun care, it’s one of the body parts that people forget about protecting, as Mary L. Stevenson, MD, assistant professor of dermatology at NYU Langone Health, previously told SELF. Though a full head of thick hair can certainly provide some shield from the sun’s rays, Dr. Stevenson says, additional cover may be a good idea—especially for people who have thinner hair or hairstyles that don’t cover parts of the scalp. (The skin along the part and around the ears can also be especially vulnerable, as SELF has reported.)

Dr. Stevenson suggests using a spray sunscreen on the scalp and wearing a hat. Something tightly-woven and broad-brimmed is ideal for blocking out rays. There are even sunscreens formulated especially for the scalp, as well as hats that come with an ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) rating—look for 50 and above—and are made to let fewer UV rays through the fabric, the Skin Cancer Foundation explains. 

You also want to pay special attention to your scalp when it comes to skin cancer checks. Self-exams involve thoroughly inspecting every bit of your body for new, changing, or abnormal skin growths—moles, bumps, and sores that have uneven edges, coloring, or shape; have changed in size, texture, color, or shape; or keep bleeding, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. (While there are no official recommendations for early skin cancer detection, many doctors do recommend doing regular self-checks as often as once a month, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS)—especially for people who have risk factors, like a family history of skin cancer, tendency to burn or freckle, or history of sun damage. Talk to your doctor about how often to do self-checks and/or see a dermatologist for a full-body check.) 

Source: SELF

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