Chloe Sevigny and Sinia Makovi have announced their engagement. Makovi threw a party for their family and friends this weekend, two years after they married. On Sunday, Makovi posted an Instagram Story snapshot of the couple smiling for a selfie. The second photo had a “JUST MARRIED” banner attached to the rear of the vehicle, and the third had their 2-year-old son Vanja suited up for the wedding.

Olivier Zahm, a magazine editor, uploaded a snapshot of the pair waving to their guests from their automobile. Makovi donned a traditional black suit at their recent wedding, while Sevigny changed into numerous white outfits during the day.

Everything there is to know about Chlo Sevigny’s spouse

Sinia Makovi was born on August 21, 1981, in Zagreb, Croatia. He is an artist and the director of the Karma Art Gallery in New York City. According to his LinkedIn page, he has held the role since 2011. His gallery also took part in last year’s star-studded Miami Art Basel Fair, where works by Alex De Corte, Henni Alftan, and Woody De Othello ranged in price from $10,000 to $200,000. Despite the presence of some renowned personalities in his museum, Sinia maintains his privacy.

Chloe Sevigny

His Instagram account has no recent photos of himself. More information about his family, job, and educational history is still unknown. He rose to prominence as Chlo Sevigny’s spouse. On May 2, 2020, they had a son, Vanja Sevigny Makovi.

Chlo Sevigny and Sinia Makovi’s relationship

In 2018, Chlo Sevigny and Sinia Makovi started dating. They married in March 2020, and Sevigny confirmed it on Instagram in March 2021. They married a little over two months before the birth of their son Vanja. They just recently made their wedding plans public. Chlo’s pregnancy was announced in January 2020, and her agent verified the news. The American Horror Story actor also graced the cover of Playgirl’s new print magazine in October 2020 for a 21-photo spread taken prior to Vanja’s birth. When asked about her maternity experience, Sevigny said,

“It was simply something that was meant to happen, and when it didn’t in my early 40s, I was like, ‘I have to kind of actively try and make this happen’… “After that, I battled for a time.”

Chloe Sevigny

Chlo recounted how she became pregnant and said,

“We headed home after a night of dancing and drinking… Then it simply occurred, and it stayed, something I had previously struggled with. And I thought, ‘Wow, this one – he/she – really wants to be here.’”
