Never Trump politicians like Rep. Adam Kinzinger (RINO-IL) seem to have a common problem — they’re not the brightest bulbs in the shop and they have difficulty being honest about the facts. That perhaps explains why they have the political position they have.

Kinzinger came out with a comment about Tucker Carlson and you’ll see the immediate problem with it.

“Now that we have seen evidence of mass graves in Ukraine, and pictures of the atrocities against civilians, We should demand @TuckerCarlson answer for his support of this war, as well as those Congressmen who have done the same. @GOPLeader should demand accountability,” Kinzinger tweeted.

Now, first of all, this is just false. Tucker Carlson does not “support” the war. Indeed he condemned the war on his show on March 21, noting that he was rooting for the Ukrainians to boot the Russians. What he had expounded on was whether or not it was our fight and to what extent we should be involved. Plus perhaps there were other priorities that we might have. Kinzinger can’t understand the difference. So Kinzinger is just wrong, as he generally is.

But second, so what if he did “support” it? We don’t go after people for “wrong think” in this country. If we did, we’d be like Vladimir Putin and Russia. That’s what Kinzinger is advocating — that the government go after private citizens — a member of the media even — and demand he act in political compliance with what Kinzinger says. That even members of Congress who might disagree with him should be punished for not being in line with the narrative. Can you get more fascistic and Putin-like than that? How is that free speech? Isn’t that suppressing the media? This is a failure on Kinzinger’s part to understand his role as a member of Congress and the Constitution that he allegedly swore to uphold. What Kinzinger is pushing is not America.

This is the same guy who Tucker invited on his show to give him the chance to say his piece but Kinzinger wimped out because he couldn’t handle the action. He knew he would get sliced and diced.

Kinzinger talks about Carlson’s comments about the Russia-Ukraine war. But Kinzinger has been a font for false information about the war — he seems to fall for every fake meme or story.

For example, Kinzinger fell for the old internet joke about Sam Hyde. Sam Hyde is always the shooter or the suspect in question, no matter the situation. In reality, Hyde is a comedian who isn’t a shooter, a murderer, or the “Ghost of Kyiv.”

It’s never Sam Hyde, just like it’s never lupus.

Kinzinger spread this very emotional picture. Except that it’s from 2016 and not related to this war.

So how about Kinzinger check himself for misinformation instead of going after others? Of course, that would require self-reflection which he seems to be short on.
