Here is all that you need to know about managing age-related hearing loss issues.
As we age, it’s natural for our bodies to undergo changes. Our hair may turn grey, we might require glasses for reading, and in addition to these changes, hearing difficulties can also arise. The fortunate news is that for many individuals, these changes in hearing are minor. However, for some of us, particularly after reaching the age of 60, assistance becomes necessary.
This process often begins with challenges in following conversations when multiple people are speaking, such as at parties or gatherings. We might find ourselves frequently asking others to repeat what they’ve said and resorting to higher TV volumes. Occasionally, loved ones might even bring up the issue. Our recommendation is that if you’ve noticed such difficulties, it’s important to seek professional guidance from an ENT surgeon and an audiologist. The good news is that age-related hearing loss is quite manageable. Recent research has demonstrated that untreated hearing loss can lead to other problems like memory decline, lack of focus, and reduced overall well-being.
Regular hearing assessments can provide early insight into changes, allowing for timely intervention. Additionally, adopting healthy lifestyle practices, such as protecting your ears from excessive noise and maintaining cardiovascular health, can contribute to preserving your hearing as you age. Being socially active and engaged also aids in cognitive health, which in turn supports auditory function. Remember, taking proactive steps, from routine check-ups to embracing technological solutions like hearing aids, can significantly enhance your quality of life and maintain your connection to the world of sound for years to come.
Regrettably, there are no medications or exercises to prevent age-related hearing loss. If you’re encountering the challenges described above, it’s advisable to undergo a hearing test, such as a Pure Tone Audiogram (PTA). This test will determine the extent of your hearing loss and the specific frequencies that are affected most. Typically, age-related hearing loss initially impacts higher frequencies at a mild to moderate level, progressing gradually over the years.
In cases of significant hearing loss where assistance is required, the usual solution is a hearing aid. Similar to reading glasses, hearing aids function by amplifying weaker frequencies, effectively restoring your hearing to normal levels. By improving your hearing, not only will you experience improved auditory perception, but the potential negative effects on memory and other cognitive functions will also be mitigated. It’s important to note that there’s an initial adjustment period that requires patience, and you may need multiple appointments with your audiologist to fine-tune the hearing aid settings. Once this adjustment phase is surpassed, you’ll once again relish the richness of sounds and music.
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For a small segment of older individuals with severe to profound hearing loss, when hearing aids are no longer effective, a surgical option known as cochlear implants may be considered. Your audiologist or ENT surgeon can provide you with further information on this option.
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