Nollywood actor Alex Ekubo has offered his guide for his colleague and walking mate to Lagos nation gubernatorial candidate Funke Akindele. Funke Akindele, an actress turned flesh presser, published a photograph of herself wearing excellent attire on Instagram. Among the numerous feedback on the page, Alex Ekubo expressed his love for her.

Alex Ekubo said that he will deliver Funke Akindele his complete aid irrespective of the situations. “Ore, I dey your again, with my Everything”, he wrote.

Emember how Funke Akindele attracted a large audience to her father’s native land of Ikorodu Lagos for her legit debut because the country’s PDP deputy governor. The ecstatic audience took to the streets to reveal their help for Funke Akindele and Olajide Jandor ahead of the general elections in 2023.

Funke Akindele made waves recently when she claimed to have back to her spiritual source, the Celestial Church of Christ. While still campaigning for supporters, Funke Akindele ignited a social media commotion, with many announcing her return to the celestial church changed into encouraged by using her political ambition. Others, alternatively, believed she became surely mentioning the facts.

Funke Akindele claimed she turned into born and raised as a celestial and that she is a lost sheep who again to its supply. After Funke Akindele’s profound disclosure approximately her non secular origins, the target audience applauded her return as a member.

Source: TG TIME