

100 g of jamun contains 83.1 g of water and 251 KJl of energy. Along with that, it also contains the aforementioned nutrients.

Note: The values are given as per the USDA.


Health Benefits Of Jamun

1. Manages Diabetes

The pulp and seeds of jamun are beneficial for managing and preventing diabetes. It contains phytochemicals such as anthocyanins, oleanolic acid, gallic acids, ellagic acid, catechin, ellagic acid, quercetin and kaempferol responsible for its antidiabetic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Jamun may help delay diabetes complications like neuropathy. Jamun seeds are dried and crushed into form and taken before every meal by diabetics to manage diabetes naturally. [2]

2. Helps in weight loss

According to a study, jamun seed powder could be an effective remedy to reduce body weight gain and cholesterol levels and thus, helps in weight loss in obese individuals. The gallic acid and ellagic acid in jamun may help improve the cholesterol profile and metabolic functions and promote the shedding of body fat. Also, the high fibre and low glycemic index in the fruit add it among the best summer fruits for weight loss. [3]

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3. Acts as a natural blood purifier

Jamun may act as a natural blood purifier. The iron present in the fruit may help purify the blood, increase the production of haemoglobin and promote its healthy circulation to various parts of the body. This property of jamun helps clear out toxins from the body naturally and maintain good overall health.

4. Has cooling properties

Ripe jamun fruit is considered a natural coolant and among the best fruits to relieve kapha and pitta doshas. These doshas are responsible for disturbing the digestion, metabolism and energy of the body and thus, jamun helps in balancing those energies by its cooling effect. The astringent flavour of the fruit also helps give a cooling sensation to the body. [1]

5. Good for oral health

The abundance of vitamin C in jamun is considered excellent for the teeth and gums. This vital vitamin has potent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that may help ward off bacteria in the mouth and treat oral problems like bleeding gums, bad breath, plaque, pain and sensitivity. Some studies also say that the ash of the jamun leaves may help strengthen the teeth and gums. [4]


6. Treats Digestive issues

Jamun’s cooling properties may help treat many digestive ailments like diarrhoea, flatulence, indigestion, gastric acid and stomach pain. The powder form exacted from the bark and seeds of the jamun plant may help regulate proper bowel movements and eliminate wastes at regular intervals. Also, the juice of the fruit induces saliva production that helps break down the food faster and make digestion easier.

7. Boosts immunity

Jamun exhibits strong immunomodulatory properties due to the presence of phenolic and flavonoid compounds like catechin, quercetin, isoquercitrin, rutin, epicatechin, kaempferol, chlorogenic, caffeic, gallic and ellagic acids. These compounds are also known to reduce free radicals and inflammatory cytokines in the body due to their antioxidative and acute anti-inflammatory effects. [2]

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8. Good for menstruation

Jambola is packed with a high amount of iron that may help in the production of red blood cells and increase haemoglobin count and thus, balance the blood loss occurred during menstruation. Jamun also helps cool the digestive system which often gets diusturbed from the period.

9. Good for heart health

Triterpenoids present in jamun pulp and leaves can prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the body. This helps individuals with pre-existing heart conditions by preventing complications like heart attack and stroke. Jamun also contains potassium which is an essential mineral for lowering blood pressure, and anthocyanins that helps reduce the risk of coronary heart diseases. [5]

10. Rich In Antioxidants

Antioxidants play a vital role in many biological functions. According to a study, jamun pulp contains 0.54% anthocyanins, 0.17% ellagic acid and 1.15% polyphenolics which are known for their high antioxidant potential. It also contains vitamin C which is a potent antioxidant. Jamun consumption may help scavenge free radicals in the body and prevent damages related to it. [6]


11. May prevent breast cancer

According to a study, jamun is the only berry with a diversity of anthocyanins and ellagic acid. These compounds play an important role in reducing estrogen-associated cell proliferation, which are the biomarkers of breast cancer. Jamun consumption can help reduce the incidence of tumour by 65-96 per cent. The fruit may also help prevent other cancer types such as lung cancer. [7]

12. Improves sexual stamina

Some studies say that jamun may help improve sexual stamina in males and treat some sexual dysfunctions. It may help increase the production of sperm, fight premature ejaculation and boost sexual performance. Jamun’s pulp and seeds are mainly used as an aphrodisiac.

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13. Good for skin

Jamun may help treat many skin problems like oily skin, rashes and recurrent acne due to its antimicrobial and astringent properties. The antioxidative property of the fruit due to vitamin C may help reduce signs of ageing and other skin problems caused due to harmful free radicals. A face mask made with jamun pulp, amla juice and barley flour can do wonders on skin.

14. Combats respiratory disorders

Some traditional uses of jamun include boiling its bark for around 15 minutes and consuming it to treat respiratory disorders like asthma. The bark of the jamun tree is sweet, acrid, astringent and digestive and could be used for the treatment of sore throat, asthma, severe cough, bronchitis and other respiratory disorders. Jamun also acts as an antihistamine and may help fight allergic reactions. [4]

15. Keeps nervous system healthy

According to a study, saponins in jamun can cause certain positive effects on the central nervous system. It may help reduce depressive symptoms and improve moods for the overall well-being of a person. The essential vitamins and minerals in jamun may also help keep the nervous system healthy. [8]


How To Consume Jamun?

  • Jamun is mainly considered to be eaten fresh after washing them.
  • Jamun juice or sorbet
  • Jamun seed churna by drying the seeds in the sun and converting it into powder form.
  • Jamun jam
  • Jamun jelly
  • Jamun vinegar
  • Raw jamuns are used to prepare sauces or pickles.
  • In some states, jamuns are used to prepare wine, brandy and distilled liquor called “jambava”. [9]
  • Side Effects Of Jamun

    Jamun should not be consumed on an empty stomach or after milk consumption as it may cause acidity. Also, overconsumption of jamun can cause diarrhoea and increase sugar levels in the body. For best results, add a teaspoon of jamun seed powder in water, stir it well and drink regularly. Consult a medical expert before starting on jamun powder, supplements or tablets.

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