I am going to have to do an entire post on the decline of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Perhaps a VIP post? You are a VIP member, right?
I am assuming that it must have declined in recent years, because right now they are a trash organization. A dumpster fire of ideology-fueled trash spewing toxic smoke across the land.
The AAP has been at the forefront of COVID madness, and they have gone all in on mutilating children for profit. So I am not sure that the organization could ever be redeemed, so “I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.”
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The latest outrage from the AAP is particularly galling, because they are calmly noting the decline in health among children that was caused by…get this…policies that they were very prominent in implementing. Yet rather than just admit that they are primarily responsible, along with Leftist politicians and the execrable teachers’ unions, for keeping kids locked up in their homes for over a year in some cases, they are actually putting the blame on “family time.”
Keeping kids locked out of school counts as “family time.” Geez, these people!
You see, kids have gotten fatter and more depressed during COVID, and somebody has to be to blame for this and it can’t be the AAP or their allies. So it must be parents.
Research to be presented at the 2022 American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference & Exhibition also noted that there was a correlation between screen time and family time increases and rising pediatric BMI rates.
ANAHEIM, Calif.—A study that tracked body mass index (BMI) two years prior to the pandemic and one year after the start of the pandemic in a primarily Medicaid pediatric population in Norfolk, Virginia, found a significant increase in BMI during that time.
When these differences were analyzed by gender, the increase was only significant for the female cohort, according to the study, “Examining the Effects of COVID-19 Lifestyle on Pediatric BMI.” There was an 11% mean increase in the BMI of girls, the study found.
The authors also observed there was a significant correlation between screen time and family time increases during the pandemic and rising pediatric BMIs, as families spent more time at home because of the lockdowns.
Data was collected from 238 patients (51% female identifying, 49% male identifying, and the majority were African-American/Black) with an average age of 9.47 for females and 9.57 for males. Pediatric patients and their parents/guardians were given a questionnaire that examined six potential sources for lifestyle changes that could affect BMI, including fast food intake, time spent with electronic devices, and children’s activity levels.
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Dr. John Harrington, one of the senior authors of this study and the division director of General Academic Pediatrics at Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters in Norfolk, Virginia, said the study shows how difficult the lockdowns were on families as parents worried about their children being outside and around others, children missed out on physical education classes and team sports at school, and more time was spent scrolling social media and playing video games.
“This study reinforces that the health of all communities was negatively impacted by the pandemic, especially lower income and predominantly African-American communities,” he said.
Kids, who were at almost no risk from COVID, were kept out of schools, sent home to parents who were wrongly convinced by the AAP and others that COVID was going to rip through the pediatric population like the black plague. And then they were plonked in front of computers all day as a substitute for school and they turned into fat lumps. What a shock. Totally unpredictable. Who could have guessed?
And being a fat lump is not only worse for you than COVID if you are a kid, it also makes you at higher risk from COVID-related illnesses. Brilliant!
Thanks American Academy of Pediatrics! Great job you are doing!
If you find it hard to believe that the AAP is blaming “family time” for turning kids into fat bundles of joy, you shouldn’t be. Even the most cursory glance at what the AAP has been doing in recent years should tell you that they have become little more than shills for the current “thing,” whatever abomination it might be that day.
COVID hysteria? Check. Child mutilation? Check. Pronoun madness? Check. Racial segregation? Check. Both of the last are evident even in this press release.
There was a time when American institutions were the most productive and rational in the world. And during those times America was a force for good and for modernization in the world.
But now we are in the post-modernization phase of history, and it is a bad bad time and place to be. Science has been twisted and mangled, and in turn scientists and doctors are twisting and mangling our children’s bodies. Teachers are crying about how 2+2=4 is racist, and want to discuss nothing other than their bizarre sexual fetishes with students.
Stop the madness!
The AAP should be disbanded, or better yet…nuke the site from orbit. It is the only way to be sure.