Might lesbians and gays be denouncing transgenderism in droves? An online trend suggests a rocking of the S.S. LGBT — and old-school sexual minorities are jumping ship.
For many years, the American lexicon included lesbians and gays. They completed the array of sexual coupling: In a binary system, only three possible pairings can result.
Organizations were named accordingly:
But in the last relative minute, a new kid’s colonized the block. And in modern fashion, history’s been revised:
From SAGEUSA.org:
For 40-plus years, SAGE has worked tirelessly on behalf of LGBTQ+ older people.
From PFLAG.org:
Founded in 1973, PFLAG is the first and largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and their families.
From GLAAD.org:
For over 30 years, GLAAD has been at the forefront of cultural change, accelerating acceptance for the LGBTQ community.
None of those statements are true — when the groups began, “transgenderism” didn’t exist.
There was, of course, sexual dysphoria. But the notion that a male could literally be a woman, or a female a literal man, was wholly unheard of. That’s the very reason members were deemed gay: Sex was hopelessly hardwired.
Then broke the dawn of gender identity, introducing a radically dissonant day — one in which “T” contradicted the “L” and the “G.”
Furthermore, “T” stands for “takeover”: The LGBs were having a party, and the Ts slipped in and iced the DJ. They installed their own, and now the cultural playlist is theirs.
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Hence, an LGB insurrection, adorned by the Twitter hashtag #LGBDropTheT.
As wrangled by NotTheBee, here’s an array from revolting tweeters — dropping the T like they’re pronouncing “hustle and bustle”:
- Finally. #LGBDropTheT. Men are men. Women are women.
- No thanks. I’m gay (the G part), which means I exclusively like men — not women who think they’re men. #LGBDropTheT
- Since #NoLGB is trending, I hope the straight alleged allies of #LGB people can finally see the Ts are abusive, gay denying, homophobic misogynists, and that us LGB people are taking our community back. #LGBDropTheT
- The T hitched a ride a few years back, invited itself for dinner, and is trying to make out that it always lived here. It didn’t. Pride marches, protests, and LGB rights happened WITHOUT the T. I remember — I was there. I also remember the T wasn’t. #LGBDropTheT
- #LGBDropTheT. We didn’t sign on for this s***. We don’t want kids groomed. Not wanting men in our spaces or to have sex with certain genitalia does NOT make us transphobes. We promised it wasn’t the slippery slope they feared. You took advantage of our good will. It’s gone too far.
Is a substantial split upon us? Only time will tell.
Meanwhile, all is in flux: LGBs are tossing Ts, Californians are moving to Texas, liberals are leaving the Left, Democrats are becoming Republicans.
Still, nothing ever goes entirely the same way. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction:
Christian Divinity School Recites Prayer to the ‘Great Queer One,’ Who’s a ‘Drag Queen and Trans Man’
https://t.co/CeAKyaa84Q— RedState (@RedState) April 21, 2022
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