The Archbishop of Canterbury says his faith acted as a ‘safety net’ at times in his life when he struggled with depression.

Justin Welby said that it was ‘very odd’ to feel the love of God and a ‘real, vicious sense of dislike of oneself’ simultaneously.

He opened up about his personal experiences in the first episode of The Archbishop Interviews, new on Radio 4 and BBC Sounds.

In the episode, Welby spoke with author Elif Shafak and explored the topics of faith, doubt and depression.

Welby spoke with author Elif Shafak and explored the topics of faith, doubt and depression

Welby spoke with author Elif Shafak and explored the topics of faith, doubt and depression

Welby spoke with author Elif Shafak and explored the topics of faith, doubt and depression

‘One of the symptoms of it [depression] is self-hatred, self-contempt, a real, vicious sense of dislike of oneself,’ he said.

‘And that seems very odd when it combines with a deep sense that I’m loved by God. And in my life that expressed itself as a safety net.

‘I would say in my prayers: I may be this terrible person, this failure as an archbishop, but I know you know me better than I know myself and you still love me. And by that I am held.’

Welby said a book written by his daughter, Katharine Welby-Roberts, encouraged him to speak to others and get help. ‘For me one of the most important things was a book written by our eldest daughter,’ he added.

‘She had a breakdown and very severe depression, and still suffers from illness, and she’s married now with two children.

‘She wrote a beautiful book called I Thought There Would Be Cake. In other words, when she was grown-up, there’d be cake. And how different it was. And in that book there was a chapter about the need to be open to speak to others.

‘And so I did. I went to get some help and that has made a huge difference.’

lThe Archbishop Interviews is on Radio 4 today at 1.30pm and on BBC Sounds.

Source: Daily Mail

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