Disorders Cure
oi-Shivangi Karn
As of today, the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases across the world is 10.7 million, with 5.46 million recovered cases and 516 thousand deaths.
The novel coronavirus cases are increasing day by day and the scientists and researchers globally are constantly coming out with new findings to limit the spread of COVID-19 and treat its symptoms. These clinical trials are not possible COVID-19 treatment methods, but are helping in the recovery of patients and saving their lives affected by the infection.
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About The Study
A clinical trial that took place at Victoria Hospital in Bangalore between 7-25 June 2020, on 10 COVID-19 patients belong to age group 23-65 talks about their Ayurvedic cure for COVID-19. All the patients had COVID-19 symptoms such as cold, cough, shortness of breath and headache. Among the 10 patients, people with pre-existing conditions were also present, such as those with heart, lung or kidney disorders.
The study was carried out by renowned Ayurvedic practitioner Dr Giridhar Kaje (with 23 years of experience) and his team. They were supposed to conduct the clinical trial at the very beginning of the pandemic, but due to the prohibition by the state government, the trial was kept on hold.
Later, due to public pressure, the government agreed and Dr Giridhar Kaje was permitted to conduct his drug study after being given permission by the Bengaluru Medical College Ethics Committee.
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Low-Cost Treatment Approved By State Government
The two Ayurvedic drugs invented by Dr Giridhar were Bowmya and Sathmya. All the COVID-19 patients who were selected for the trial were treated successfully after the administration of the Ayurvedic drug. Their RT PCR test came negative in just 3-9 days.
The health Minister of Karnataka B. Sriramulu asked Dr Giridhar and his team to submit the report of the successful trial so that they could possibly be allowed to conduct their next trial in coming days. Also, the cost of the treatment is around Rs. 60 to 180.
The efficacy and low cost of this ayurvedic treatment for coronavirus are giving hope to many that it could be a possible treatment method in the future to treat a large number of COVID-19 patients.
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Source: boldsky blog