Before we begin: Is it just me, or does Bernie’s hair look like he combs it with a balloon?

Anyway, aside from being an eccentric self-declared socialist, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders remains among the most hypocritical lawmakers on Capitol Hill — and we’re talking a really deep bench. He has amassed an estimated net worth of $3 million, comprised of three homes, investments, a substantial government pension, and earnings from three books, including the 2016 bestseller, Our Revolution: A Future to Believe In.

“I wrote a best-selling book,” Sanders told the New York Times. “If you write a best-selling book, you can be a millionaire, too.”

Condescend much, Bernie?

Look, I don’t give a damn if Bernie Sanders is worth $3 million, $30 million, or $300 million. And I don’t care how many homes he owns or where they’re located, the asset allocation of his investment portfolio; or anything else about his wealth. This is America. Sanders has the right —as does every American — to make as much money (legally) as he sees fit, and accumulate as much wealth as he can. Moreover? None of it is any of my business.

What I do give a damn about is the utter hypocrisy of Sanders and other wealthy leftists, and their propensity to ignore or justify their own extravagances every time they vilify “the rich” and spew their silly “fair share” nonsense — as if the left and the left alone is the arbiter of what is fair or enough. The reality is, of course, there will never be enough of the money we earn that they want to take from us.

The left-wing brain is hardwired to believe all of life is a zero-sum game, meaning the more someone else gets, or keeps, as it were, the less there is left for others to take. The following Bernie tweet from Saturday, in which he whines himself silly about “the billionaire class” and their superyachts, is a perfect example.

Super-large yachts have become the status symbol of the billionaire class. And Russian oligarchs are not the only people who own them.

While half of our people work paycheck to paycheck, members of the American oligarchy spend hundreds of millions to build their very own yachts.

Nonsense. Sanders presented two scenarios he tried to conflate, in a flawed attempt at mutual-inclusivity, meaning the two scenarios must be related, which they are not.

Needless to say, Sanders was promptly skewered. Here are two examples — one, blistering Bernie’s hypocrisy:

The second example, Bernie’s ignorance; feigned or real:

And the working-class people who build those yachts are well paid for the job. But because you’ve never actually earned a paycheck outside government, or met a payroll, you have a microscopically limited understanding of how the economy actually works.

On the contrary, Sanders and other reasonably intelligent liberals know full well that “working-class people” build and create the expensive things they buy — and everything else. The term is “manufacturing jobs,” Bernie.

The problem is, admitting the above out loud runs counter to the left-wing narrative. It destroys the zero-sum game argument. It stops the “100 pennies in a dollar” analogy dead in its tracks.

Again, Bernie Sanders and his fellow leftists know their socialist narrative is a crock of crap — spewed solely with one eye on Democrat poll results and the other eye on the voting booth.
