Betty White “knew” she was loved by millions of fans all around the world.

Betty White was loved by millions

Betty White was loved by millions

The legendary actress passed away on New Year’s Eve (31.12.21), at the age of 99, and Jeff Witjas – her agent and long-time friend – has revealed that he always reminded Betty of her popularity among fans.

He shared: “She knew it, but I would tell her often. Even when she wasn’t working, I said, ‘Betty, millions of people out there are still asking for you. You’re getting your fan letters, I’m getting offers for you.’”

Jeff always wanted Betty to know just how much people loved and admired her.

He told People: “I don’t know if she ever embraced it, [or] really, really felt it. The extent of it. I really don’t.

“I would always reinforce it with her because I always felt she should know that. I never wanted her to think while she was sitting at home, that the world has passed her by. It never did.”

Jeff is also glad that Betty – who died at her home in Los Angeles, two-and-a-half weeks before her 100th birthday – was able to achieve her life ambitions.

He added that her popularity went “beyond love”.

He said: “Betty lived a great life and she lived a life that she chose. She was happy.

“Every time I told her, ‘Betty, you’re loved,’ she would look at me with a wry smile and say, ‘Really?’ I hope she knew. I think she did. It was something beyond love.”

Jeff was Betty’s agent – but their relationship extended well beyond that.

He explained: “She was an incredible lady. Hard to put into words. We had a special relationship, far more than just a client.”

Post source: Female First
