Joe Biden lies. A lot.

But unfortunately, it looks like his administration lies too, on something very important — the job numbers for the second quarter of this year. They claimed a net job growth of 1,047,000 jobs. But now, it’s been revealed that they were off. Not just by a little, but by a ton. Indeed, by so much, it’s hard to believe it’s an innocent error.

In fact, instead of over a million jobs – as the Biden team claimed – only 10,500 new jobs were created, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. This, while Biden kept claiming there was historic job growth before the election, “more jobs than in any quarter” for almost 40 years, before the pandemic.

The White House continued to repeat the lie, claiming it was a sign of “enormous progress”–when it was completely false.

Can we talk about lying and election manipulation? Because that’s surely what it looks like here.

Republicans are accusing the administration of lying about the employment data in an election year and are demanding answers.

The Philadelphia Fed’s new assessment shows that employment numbers in 29 states and the District of Columbia were significantly lower than the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported for the March-through-June period.

The BLS, a division of the Department of Labor, estimated net job growth of 1,047,000 jobs in the second quarter. The Philadelphia Fed now says its data shows that 10,500 net jobs were created in that period.

Republican Sen. Rick Scott of Florida called the development “outrageous.”

“Wrong by a million jobs,” Mr. Scott tweeted Friday. “@JoeBiden’s admin has been lying to the American people about our economy to prop up his failed agenda & I won’t stand for it. I’m requesting an immediate meeting with the head of @BLS_gov. WE NEED ANSWERS NOW!”

What did the White House have to say about this?

“We monitor a range of labor market and economic activity data closely and the totality of the data suggest a solid labor market, with the unemployment rate near a 50-year low and initial unemployment insurance claims remaining low. These trends are consistent with historically strong job growth under President Biden.”

Translation? They have no explanation that would justify the enormous whopper they have been telling Americans. If people voted for them thinking they had done something good, oh, well. All they care about is the “Harry Reid response” — “all that matters is we won.”

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