Joe Biden is in Ottawa to talk with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and other Canadian leaders about “irregular migration” (translation: “illegal immigration” and climate change, among other matters.
As we reported, he was quite the hypocrite, tooling around in a massive gas-guzzling SUV motorcade while claiming to care about climate change. He joked that he would be staying in Canada, and we all wished it was true. But when he sat down for a meeting with Trudeau for the obligatory photo-op prior to their meeting where you just give perfunctory remarks, he was caught by the media desperately searching for his note cards, for even those simple remarks as Trudeau was speaking and greeting him.
Unfortunately, it can get worse. He then went on to the Parliament to speak there—and you know that was going to be an issue.
Biden met Pierre Poilievre, a Conservative Party leader, who said he was part of the “loyal opposition,” a term we use as well to describe the folks who aren’t currently in power in the government.
PIERRE POILIEVRE: “We believe that opposition is an act of loyalty in our system.”
BIDEN: “We do too, unfortunately.” pic.twitter.com/51kiMNrkMt
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) March 24, 2023
“We believe that opposition is an act of loyalty in our system,” Poilievre said.
Biden’s response says so much. “We do too, unfortunately,” Biden said. It’s “unfortunate” to him that anyone would dare oppose him or have different political positions. He has shown repeatedly he doesn’t like being challenged.
But, that was just the lead-up to his remarks and frankly, there were so many weird and stumbling moments, I’m just going to concentrate on the highlights. Who is it behind the scenes who thinks it’s a good idea, at this point, to be sending this guy out—and keep embarrassing himself and us? Please reconsider and get him to resign.
He started by speaking in a foreign language to recognize the French part of Canada, which didn’t go too badly considering he generally has problems with basic English. This probably was his best moment; it was all downhill from there.
Biden greets the Canadian Parliament: “Bonjour”
He still hasn’t been to East Palestine, Ohio. pic.twitter.com/yzTaDwve4D
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) March 24, 2023
He told a weird story about what an “inflection point” was.
Biden tells Canadian Parliament a story about the phrase “inflection point” pic.twitter.com/p00LHdDW8C
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) March 24, 2023
If I were trying to understand what it was after that description, I think I’d still be confused. You can see the Canadians listening, and one has to wonder what they were thinking when he was going off like that.
He spoke about some of the green energy nonsense that both he and Trudeau were pushing, and he did that bizarre, creepy whispering thing for the Canadians as he spoke about electric charging stations.
Biden brought his creepy whisper to Canada. pic.twitter.com/2DhMZcyle8
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) March 24, 2023
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Biden also spoke about Americans and Canadians going back and forth across the border in their “automo—zero emission vehicles!”
BIDEN: “Americans and Canadians can continue to easily cross the border without ever hitting a snag in their American or Canadian build automo—zero emission vehicles!” pic.twitter.com/Z48CrzPlya
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) March 24, 2023
What is that? A new invention from the fertile confusion of Joe Biden.
When he moved on to his remarks about the border, he said that they were “seeking asylum seekers.” This is like when he encouraged people to “surge” to the border.
BIDEN: “Welcoming refugees and seeking asylum seekers is a part of who Canadians and Americans are.” pic.twitter.com/xtJkLrKu79
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) March 24, 2023
How are you discouraging illegal immigration, when you say things like that? As it is, most of the “asylum seekers” are not true asylum seekers; they’re economic migrants looking to come to the U.S. to make money.
Then he spoke about China. He started screaming that shtick he has about China and telling Xi Jinping on the “Tibetan plateau” that one word that describes America.
Biden starts screaming as he tells the Canadian Parliament a story about him and Xi Jinping “in the Tibetan plateau” pic.twitter.com/qG6nWZXyOW
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) March 24, 2023
Calm down, Joe, screaming doesn’t make any sense here. It just looks ridiculous. But, at least he didn’t say this about that “one word” this time.
ICYMI: Joe Biden tries to define America in one word. He failed miserably. pic.twitter.com/sh8WHNVbmQ
— Media Research Center (@theMRC) July 5, 2022
But, I think there’s no question that the hands-down worst moment was when Biden said, “I applaud China.”
Freudian slip?
Joe Biden applauds…China? pic.twitter.com/0wrymzEyrt
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) March 24, 2023
He had to correct himself, but they laughed at him, and he didn’t cover very well. “You can tell when I’m thinking.”
The problem is that he isn’t thinking, he’s just reading off the teleprompter. But that’s where we’re at with Joe. And perhaps it wasn’t a mistake; maybe China is on his mind given the Biden family connections that are being investigated right now by the House Oversight Committee. It must be weighing on his mind, because he knows that he’s lied—and it’s all likely to come out now.
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