We wrote Tuesday about how “View” co-host Sunny Hostin let an accidental truth slip out about herself during the Monday episode of the program, with the accidental truth being that for a former federal prosecutor and self-described member of the Supreme Court Bar, she was awfully clueless about the workings of the Supreme Court as well as U.S. Code on protests outside of judges’ homes.

But truth be told, Hostin and her fellow Mean Girls on “The View” tell on themselves just about every day when they open their mouths and let the inevitable ignorance, stupidity, and intolerance for differing viewpoints spew forth.

We’ve documented numerous instances here, but a new one that’s come to my attention was another segment involving Hostin, this one from last Friday when the panel was discussing possible conflicts of interests involving new White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, who is in a relationship with CNN correspondent/anchor Suzanne Malveaux.

As we previously reported, at one point later in the discussion, Hostin turned to guest co-host Lindsey Granger, who is black, and asked if she was a Republican. When Granger confirmed she was, Hostin proceeded to insult her by claiming the term was an “oxymoron.” To her credit, Granger responded in kind.

For those who missed it, watch:

Rep. Burgess Owens (R-Utah), who like other black Republicans is no stranger to being treated as a second-class citizen by supposedly enlightened Democrats like Hostin, was asked about her comments during a recent interview with Newsmax. Owens did not hold back, accusing Hostin of deliberately ignoring the real issues the black community faces and saying that liberals like Hostin are the “worst of the worst” in this country because everything they do is for power and profit rather than helping the people they claim to want to represent and protect:

I would even go so far as to say that one big reason the privileged Sunny Hostins of the world “don’t understand” black Republicans and black Latinos is because they don’t want to and believe they don’t have to in order to get ahead in life. Rather than get out in the real world, they live in a woke bubble, where everything they say is treated as the gospel “yaaass qween!” truth complete with the applause, “amens,” and all the other accolades that go along with being considered sufficiently woke in social justice warrior circles.

Interestingly enough, it’s these same people who will be the first to portray themselves as open-minded, tolerant, compassionate liberals, but let the first black conservative speak up in front of them with a contrary opinion, and it is open season, just like it was on the Friday show.

I’ll close with some words of wisdom from my RS colleague Jennifer Oliver O’Connell, a black conservative who schooled Hostin Friday with the 411 on why there were black and Hispanic people out there – a whole lot of them – who chose a different path politically than Hostin did:

Blacks and Latinos become Republicans because we are not looking for saviors or champions, we are looking to be left alone to pursue our Constitutional liberties. Not all Republicans stand for this, but we know every Democrat stands against it. The freedom to raise and educate our children as we see fit without government interference. The freedom to pursue the American Dream through entrepreneurism, land ownership, and the right to safeguard those things through the 2nd Amendment. After decades of voting Democrat, many have seen the damage that has been wrought through this government savior mentality, and we prefer to go a different road.

Conservative values and Republican tenets are diametrically opposed to the destructive, tone deaf, and paternalistic policies and practices of Democrats. But when you swim in the progressive stew that Sunny Hostin regularly frequents, you can only roll your eyes and claim to not understand.

‘Nuff said.

Flashback –>> Video: At Reparations Hearing, Former NFL Star Burgess Owens Says It’s Democrats Who Owe the Black Community
