Can Consanguineous Marriages Cause Genetic Diseases Or Birth Abnormalities? Doctor Explains
Can Consanguineous Marriages Cause Genetic Diseases Or Birth Abnormalities? Doctor Explains

There is a higher chance that couples will share a larger percentage of genes when a sizable segment of the population engages in consanguineous marriage.

Written by Kinkini Gupta |Published : August 17, 2023 4:02 PM IST

A consanguine marriage is between two people who are closely connected by blood, generally from the same family or clan. Relationships between siblings, cousins, or other close relatives are included in this. It is estimated that one billion of the current global populations live in communities with a preference for consanguineous marriage. Many communities in India also believe and conduct this kind of unions especially in parts of rural India. So, the question remains, does this sort of a union pose any health risks?

There is a higher chance that couples will share a larger percentage of genes when a sizable segment of the population engages in consanguineous marriage. This can enhance the likelihood that an unhealthy recessive genetic mutation, which is typically held in a single copy by both parents, will be passed on to kids in two copies. This is problematic because the expression of these double-recessive mutations may make the offspring more susceptible to genetic diseases or birth abnormalities.

Dr.Malini Saba, a psychologist, human rights activist, and global advocate for women and girls spoke to about the mental as well as physical health impacts of consanguineous marriages. Read on to find out more.

Are The Health Risks Higher For Women As Compared To Men?

The health hazards of consanguineous marriage may be slightly higher for women than for men, despite the fact that both sexes are capable of having dangerous recessive genetic abnormalities. This is because women potentially handle a greater range of duties and functions within the family, such as pregnancy and childbirth. As a result of potential complications brought on by genetic abnormalities or birth defects, women may be exposed to higher health risks during pregnancy.

Psychological Impacts Of This Kind Of Marriage On The Couple And On Their Children

The couple and their offspring may experience psychological effects from consanguineous marriages; depending on cultural standards, individual personalities, and family dynamics, these effects might vary greatly. Couples may feel closer because of their common ancestry; on the other hand, there can be increased marital stress as a result of pressure to uphold family customs. Children from consanguineous marriages may feel strange or be subject to social differences. It’s crucial to keep in mind that psychological effects are complicated and cannot be generalised to all situations.

On being asked if there are any specific impacts on the following health aspects in particular: genetic diseases, fertility rates in women, birth defects, infant mortality rates and recessive disorders, Dr Malini Saba went on to say,

“Consanguineous marriage has the following effects on various health aspects:”

– Genetic Disorders: Individuals who are closely related are more likely to share the same recessive mutations, increasing the risk of genetic disorders. Two copies of these mutations are more likely to be passed down to offspring, which can result in genetic illnesses.

Women’s Fertility Rates: Although consanguineous marriage may not have a direct impact on fertility rates, the increased chance of genetic abnormalities may make it more difficult for women to conceive if their offspring have health problems.

– Birth malformations: Due to the increased risk of inheriting harmful recessive genes, consanguineous marriages are linked to a higher incidence of birth malformations.

– Infant Mortality Rates: Due to the possibility of congenital abnormalities or other health issues, the infant mortality rate may be greater among children of consanguineous marriages.

Recessive Disorders: Children from spouses are more likely to inherit double-recessive mutations, which increases the prevalence of recessive disorders in these populations.

It’s crucial to remember that the effects of consanguineous marriage might differ depending on elements including the population’s distinctive genetic make-up, access to healthcare, and cultural perceptions of marriage and family.

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