“Even researchers at Purdue University found that extracts of Graviola leaves have eliminated the cancer cells in at least six types of cancer and have been especially effective against cells of prostate cancer and pancreatitis.”

This holds significance in light of recent figures showing a sharp rise in the prevalence of prostate cancer in the UK, which now affects one in eight men.

Doctor Quinton Fivelman, Chief Scientific Officer at London Laboratory, said: “For the first time, prostate cancer is the most common cancer in Britain, ahead of breast cancer and lung cancer.”

The soursop extract, however, appears to also work on cancer cells in the colon and breast, leaving healthy cells intact, which chemotherapy cannot do. 

Other laboratory studies have shown that Graviola extracts can kill some types of liver cancer cells.

READ MORE: Cancer breakthrough: Patients can join fight to find cure

Source: Daily Express

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