Love Island star Shannon Singh reveals she has been checked THREE times for cancer

Love Island’s Shannon Singh has revealed that she received treatment three times…

The Wanted’s Tom Parker reveals Rod Stewart offered his support after terminal cancer diagnosis

The Wanted’s Tom Parker has revealed that Sir Rod Stewart reached out…

Big Brother 5 star Becki Seddiki reveals she’s been diagnosed with leukaemia

Big Brother star Becki Seddiki has revealed she is battling leukaemia and…

Kerry Katona reveals she had lump by breast checked after Sarah Harding’s cancer diagnosis

Kerry Katona has revealed she had a lump near her breast checked…

BBC podcast presenter Deborah James, 39, who has incurable cancer says she regrets not seeking help

BBC podcast presenter Deborah James has revealed she has ‘beaten herself up with…

Dozens of medical tattooists dress as giant inflatable BREASTS outside Facebook HQ

Dozens of medical tattooists who ink nipples on cancer survivors have dressed…

Pet chihuahua saves hairdresser owner’s life when it reveals a 12-centimetre tumour

A chihuahua has been hailed a hero after detecting her owners stage…

Breast cancer survivor, 30, claims fake tan saved her life

A new mother indulging in her first pamper night since giving birth…

Woman diagnosed with cancer after being told her ‘yellow eyes’ were because she worked at IKEA

A young woman’s worrying cancer symptom was dismissed by a doctor who…

Lead singer of indie band Delays Greg Gilbert stops treatment for Stage 4 bowel cancer

The lead singer of British indie band Delays has revealed he’s stopped…

Deborah James, 39, who has bowel 4 cancer, reveals she has jetted off to France with her family

BBC podcast presenter Deborah James has revealed she has travelled to France for…

Queen Letizia wears grey tweed dress and tan wedges on visit to Spanish Association Against Cancer

Queen Letizia of Spain looked summer chic in pair of tan wedges in…

Deborah James, stage four bowel cancer, reveals her mother has been ‘nursing her back to life’

BBC podcast presenter Deborah James has shared an emotional tweet in which she…

Mother, 44, says she ditched chemotherapy for lymphoma because of Instagram scammer Belle Gibson

A mother who ditched her gruelling chemotherapy because of notorious Instagram scammer Belle Gibson…

Deborah James, 39, who has stage four bowel cancer, says she is ‘done with ridiculous rules’

BBC podcast presenter Deborah James has shared an emotional tweet in which she…

Teen stands for first time since being told he would never walk again after leukaemia diagnosis

A mother has shared a video of the emotional moment her 15-year-old…

Val Kilmer uses a voice box to discuss throat cancer recovery in Val documentary trailer

Val Kilmer’s upcoming documentary Val sees the actor using a voice box…

Beware: Fat in your liver may increase your risk of type 2 diabetes

Diabetes, preventing diabetes, fatty liver, fatty liver and diabetes, diabetes cause If…

Jackie Collins’ daughters on mother’s secret six-year cancer battle

Jackie Collins’ daughters have revealed how their mother ‘knew she had made…