What’s going on with foreign countries extending their police presence in other nations, including the United States? Just this week we looked at an incident where a Canadian Mounted Police officer was found surveilling Americans at a gun show in Montana. But Canada’s activities appear to be small potatoes when compared to what the Chinese Communist Party has been up to. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) has published a lengthy report on a Chinese “police station” that has potentially been operating in Sydney, but they have others in as many as 50 other countries. The Chinese refer to them as “contact points,” but they effectively operate as foreign outposts of Chinese police forces. Beijing claims that they are simply “convenient” places for Chinese foreign nationals to get information, renew their passports, or other mundane functions. But the human rights group Safeguard Defenders reports that these “contact points” are being used for far more nefarious purposes. And in case you hadn’t guessed, they have one in the United States already too.

Beijing has set up overseas police outreach operations in more than 80 cities across the world, including one in Australia, as part of a global security push under President Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

A report from international human rights group Safeguard Defenders released earlier this month revealed that Chinese police had set up overseas police service stations in countries including the United States, Japan, Spain and France.

The police stations have in some instances been called “110 Overseas” after China’s emergency hotline number.

There seems to be some confusion about the Chinese police station in Sydney, which is technically in Wenzhou. The Australia Wenzhou Chamber of Industry and Commerce claims that the police station has closed. But officials in China denied that claim and said that the unit is still in operation. Many local officials in the area were reluctant to speak about the matter for some reason.

So what’s wrong with having a “contact point” for Chinese foreign nationals to go to for logistical help? Well, first of all, that’s what embassies are for. There is no need for a foreign police presence in other countries. But these contact points are up to much more than that. According to Safeguard Defenders, these foreign police stations are used to intimidate Chinese foreign nationals who may be saying things that differ from the CCP’s official policies. While they may not be able to technically “arrest” any Chinese citizens in the country, they can intimidate them and threaten them to either be silent or return to China to face judgement. Those who refuse are told that their family members back in China will “face consequences” if they don’t toe the line.

But what about the Chinese “contact point” in the United States that I mentioned above? Yes, we have one, and it’s right in New York City. It’s housed in the headquarters of the American Changle Association in the Big Apple. The American Changle Association has been blacklisted by the IRS for various offenses. This week, after Republican members of Congress got wind of this they began demanding answers.

Headed by Study Committee Chairman Jim Banks (R, IND-3), Reps. Michael Waltz (R, FL-6) and Mike Gallagher (R, WI-8), the group of 21 lawmakers sent a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Attorney General Merrick Garland to demand answers on how the Chinese police were able to establish a branch in the U.S.

“We are writing to express our grave concern over reports of the law enforcement presence of the People’s Republic of China in New York City,” the letter began.

The letter further states, “The Public Security (Police) Bureau of Fuzhou, China, announced in January 2022 that it has opened the ‘first batch’ of 30 overseas police service stations in 25 cities in 21 countries. In the United States, the Fuzhou Police’s overseas service station is hosted at the American Changle Association, an overseas Chinese hometown organization in New York City.”

This is more than a little disturbing. How did the Chinese manage to put a police station in New York City without anyone noticing? China already has an embassy set up to serve their foreign nationals in New York at the Chinese Consulate General. They do not need secret police operating out of Gotham or anywhere else in the country.

And now that it’s been publicized, how is it that we don’t have any Democrats raising hell about this? Why are only the Republicans concerned? This couldn’t have anything to do with the current President’s rather “cozy” connections to China, could it? No matter the reason, Congress needs to look into this immediately. We don’t station our cops in Beijing. China has no right to do this in the United States, Australia, or any other nation.
