If you weren’t aware, last Thursday was the International Transgender Day of Visibility. In observance, a church in Iowa City, Iowa offered a prayer written for the occasion.
As seen in a video posted to the First Presbyterian Church’s website, Director of Christian Education Anna Sheetz introduces the April 3rd invocation thusly:
This past Thursday, March 31st, was the International Transgender Day of Visibility. In the PCUSA, we welcome all of our transgender and queer siblings into this family and relationship with the Creator God. So today, I wish to pray a prayer that was written for this incredible day. Will you pray with me?
Anna implores the “God of pronouns,” who breastfeeds:
Oh God of Pronouns, we give praise to the Great One, the One who was identifiable as God.
“I am what I am,” You say.
The Great “They,” the Incarnate “He” and “She,” the God of Trans-Being.
Impregnating Mary, fathering God.
Breastfeeding God of Many Breasts, You shatter all stereotypes, making every single person male and female.
Male and female, intersex, nonbinary in Your image.
Exactly in your image.
God is flexible and affirmative:
Spectrum Rainbow God, who put Your promise for non-violence in the symbol for queer love before humanity knew.
Because You knew.
Who had Joseph, who could not sleep with a woman in a beautiful lady’s cloak, perhaps of rainbow colors.
Before we knew, You knew.
God of Pronouns, who said, “You can call me ‘He’ or ‘She’ or ‘They,’ whatever makes you feel closest to Me.”
Invisible and Visible God, on this day where visibility, celebration, belatedness, affirmation, and acceptance is [sic] the bare minimum, remind us that You are the God of Pronouns, so You affirm and You celebrate them.
The minister beholds the “Great They/Them”:
God of Saul, Paul, Simon, Jacob, Isaac, Simon Peter, Abram and Sarai and Abraham and Sarah, God of Joseph, of the coat of many colors, of the Ethiopian eunuch, of the virgin Mary, God of all Found Families in the Bible.
Remind us that You affirm us in our full identity — name, pronoun, found family, all of it.
For this, we give You thanks and praise to the Great I Am. The Great They/Them.
Thank you, God.
And so now, in the words that our mother, our father, and our sibling God taught us to pray, and pray with us now, [recites the Lord’s Prayer]…
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It’s certainly different than anything ever prayed on Little House on the Prairie.
We’re living in truly transformative times. The best I can tell, there was an extensive time in America when the culture was partly a product of the church. That direction of influence appears to have radically reversed.
As the Master of the Universe looks upon Earth, is he concerned for our socially-constructed syllables — those words some person made up which no one will ever say to us, as they’re merely references to us in absentia?
As God breastfeeds, it seems an extra bit of unnecessary concern.
Of course, God is a great mystery; so is every human being.
And everyone, as you know, has their own conception of a Creator.
For those at the First Presbyterian Church of Iowa City, He/She/They/Xe/Ey/Zie/Ve/Ne/the Great Bunself is of the rainbow and fully-affirming sort. God wants you to call Him/Her/Them/Xem/Em/Zim/Ver/Nem whatever you prefer, as He/She/They/Xe/Ey/Zie/Ve/Ne sides with those who demand you only call them what they want to the exclusion of what you prefer.
So go the mysteries of the universe and the mysteries of God.
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