It’s no secret that kids and young teens love Halloween and everything that comes with it – the trick-or-treating, haunted houses, candy, and dressing up in costumes. But for those on the autism spectrum, it can all be overwhelming.

One couple in Virginia wanted to do something for their son, Gabriel Gonzalez, who’s on the autism spectrum, so he could still experience Halloween.

Photo: YouTube/Inside Edition

After getting their creative juices flowing, the Koolings decided to bring Halloween to their own yard. What started as a few decorations for their son turned into a spooky haunted house for the entire community to enjoy.

Gonzalez’ mom told him that he could help her pass out candy, and that she wanted to make it a scary experience for trick-or-treaters. Their yard is now a maze of headstones, spiderwebs, caldrons, skeletons, coffins, and more.

Photo: YouTube/Inside Edition

Gonzalez went from feeling stressed and angry to now looking forward to the holiday. Others like him can now enjoy this spooky experience, without having to feel anxious from real haunted houses.

The Koolings loved their idea so much that they say this is the first year of many for their haunted house. They plan on keeping up with this tradition every Halloween, even when Gonzalez feels like he’s too old to celebrate the holiday.

Photo: YouTube/Inside Edition

Learn more about their creative haunted house in the video below:

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Source: The Autism Site Blog