Creepy Joe Biden did it again. Standing behind a young girl as photos were taken after his speech at Irvine Valley College in California on Friday, he grabbed her shoulder, and leaned in to give her some dating advice. “Now,” he said, as the girl looked up at him, “a very important thing I told my daughter and grand daughters, no serious guys ’til you’re 30.”
C’mon, man. The president is way too grabby for anyone’s comfort. It is doubly inappropriate when he’s grabbing a young girl. It’s awkward and the imbalance of power between the two usually prevents girls from reacting to the most powerful man in the world as they would to any other man who overstepped into their personal space. The girl looks uncomfortable and then did what girls do, she tried to laugh his inappropriate behavior away. It also looks like he went in for a sniff of her hair, too, which is his pattern.
President Joe Biden grabs a young girl by the shoulder and tells her “no serious guys till your 30” as she looks back appearing uncomfortable, secret service appears to try to stop me from filming it after Biden spoke @ Irvine Valley Community College | @TPUSA @FrontlinesShow pic.twitter.com/BemRybWdBI
— Kalen D’Almeida (@fromkalen) October 15, 2022
The person who filmed the interaction claims that the Secret Service tried to prevent him from filming. If true, that would track with Biden’s handlers and how they treat the press. There is a lack of transparency in this administration that is troubling, which is odd since Sleepy Joe promised to have the most transparent administration ever. Biden receives plenty of cover from his staff to shelter him from the press.
Biden has a long history of inappropriate behavior with women and girls. The media just laugh it off as Joe being Joe. Not even reports of Ashley Biden’s claims in her diary that she took showers with her father as a girl and it’s affected her sexual behavior as an adult garnered much attention. Oh well.
Biden has a history of making eyebrow-raising remarks about girls and women.
In May 2020, Biden gave his teen granddaughter a kiss on the lips while giving a speech at a campaign trail event ahead of the Iowa caucuses.
The former Vice President was spotted clutching then-19-year-old Finnegan Biden’s hand as they arrived at a campaign event at Clarke University in Dubuque, Iowa on Sunday.
The following year, in May 2021, Biden was slammed for ‘creepy’ remarks he made about a young girl during a speech at a Virginia military base.
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On that occasion he went off-script to point out an ‘elementary school- aged’ girl as he delivered an address at Joint Base Langley-Eustis.
‘I love those barrettes in your hair, man,’ the President said to the girl, who was sitting at the side of the stage
‘I tell you what, look at her, she looks like she’s 19 years old, sitting there like a little lady with her legs crossed,’ Biden bizarrely continued.
The girl’s mother had reportedly introduced Biden to the stage prior to his speech.
Those are just some of the more recent ones. There are plenty more from over the years. Don’t forget the claims from Tara Reade about Biden sexually assaulting her in his Senate office. All the #MeToo supporter were eerily silent.
During his presidential campaign, three women also came forward accusing him of acting inappropriately.
Biden responded with a public statement, saying: ‘In my many years on the campaign trail and in public life, I have offered countless handshakes, hugs, expressions of affection, support and comfort.
‘And not once — never — did I believe I acted inappropriately. If it is suggested I did so, I will listen respectfully. But it was never my intention.’
Former Senate staffer Tara Reade has also accused the President of assaulting her while she worked for him back in 1993. He has vigorously denied the allegation on multiple occasions.
That promise to straighten up and fly right didn’t last long. The problem is that Biden is a man of a certain age and probably truly doesn’t understand that times are different now. He needs to retire from public life and go enjoy his golden years at his beach mansion in Delaware.