Cuba Gooding Jr. will plead guilty to one count of forcible touching stemming from an accusation brought by a server whom he “kissed … on her lips” without consent at a New York nightclub in 2018, AP reported on April 13. After the district attorney’s office asked the court to allow 19 women to testify against Gooding at his criminal trial, the judge ruled two of them can, according to The New York Times.

The women’s testimony will allow the prosecution to argue whether Gooding displayed a pattern of inappropriate conduct or not. In documents filed in 2019, the DA argued “[Gooding’s] prior acts demonstrate that his contacts with their intimate parts are intentional, not accidental, and that he is not mistaken about their lack of consent.” In exchange for his guilty plea, the DA’s office agreed Gooding would avoid jail time, according to AP. The agreement also allows Gooding to plea to a lesser harassment charge if he remains in counseling for six months, which would reduce the criminal nature of the charge as well. 

In addition to the criminal charges, Gooding was also accused of rape in a civil lawsuit filed in August 2020, according to The Hollywood Reporter. In the documents, a woman alleged Gooding forced her to have sex with him twice at a Greenwich Village VIP lounge in 2013. Once again, Gooding denied the allegations, with his lawyer accusing the woman of seeking attention and publicity.

If you or anyone you know has been a victim of sexual assault, help is available. Visit the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network website or contact RAINN’s National Helpline at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673).
