
Dabur Brand Honey Exposed: Honey has been described as nectar in Ayurveda. According to Ayurveda, many dangerous diseases can be treated with honey. Apart from this, regular consumption of honey also develops immunity. Consumption of honey leads to flow of energy in the body. In India, there is an old tradition of making the newborn child lick honey in Annaprasan. Many diabetic patients drink honey tea-coffee instead of sugar. To lose weight, people drink lukewarm water mixed with honey.However, nowadays it is very difficult to get pure honey. In this era of adulteration, poison is being sold in the name of honey. There are companies selling honey in the country, who claim themselves to be the number one brand not only in the country but also in the world. If honey is from a branded company, it will not be adulterated, but is this honey real? Is it really pure enough to eat? To know the answers to all these questions, Zee News got the honey of many big and small brands of the country done for lab test. The results that came out of this are surprising and disturbing. The results revealed that even a brand like Dabur is fooling people in the name of honey.

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