Looking to slim down and burn any extra fat around your midsection? Okay—chances are everyone wants that. But what’s the best and easiest way to flatten your belly? Our advice is to start doing a little something-something every day to drop the pounds and get lean. We’re here with some of the easiest daily exercises for women to lose belly fat and achieve a trim midsection.

Daily physical activity is golden if you want to shrink your midsection, as it increases the amount of calories your body burns each day (called your “metabolic rate”). This helps you get into a caloric defect where the number of calories you get through food and drink is lower than the number of calories you burn. Then—voilà—you start losing weight. On top of that, daily exercises increase your muscle, strength, bone and joint health, cardiovascular health, and conditioning so you can get trimmer and healthier, too.

Read on for the easiest moves to do every day to get leaner and fitter (in addition to two to three workouts per week). Trust us—even though they seem very little, they can make a big difference in no time. Keep reading to learn all about the easiest daily exercises for women to lose belly fat. And when you’re finished, don’t miss these 10 Exercises for a Lean & Tight Waist in Your 30s.

close-up walking on cruise ship around track for exerciseclose-up walking on cruise ship around track for exercise

If you want to stay trim and boost your overall health, walk every single day, rain or shine. Although this may seem quite simple, research shows that the average American walks about half as much as individuals living in Switzerland, Japan, and Australia. Needless to say, it’s time to step up your game (pun intended). Walk every day for at least 30 minutes. If you can’t do it in one session, spread it throughout the day. The benefits are incredible.

RELATED: 8 Standing Exercises That Strip Away Belly Flab Fast

sit to stand squatsit to stand squat

The squat is a perfect way to burn calories and melt fat. You can also do them every day, whether a few reps or an actual workout. But if you don’t have proper technique or a coach to guide you, a squat to box is a great way to learn good form.

Stand in front of a short box, bench, or chair—facing away—shoulder-width apart with your toes slightly out. Start the movement by sitting backward and spreading your knees apart. Descend while keeping your lower back flat. Sit on the surface for a split second, and then immediately push through your heels to stand up while keeping your knees apart. Don’t “relax” on the box; stay in your squatting posture and simply pause for a split second before coming up.

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close-up of woman doing glute bridgeclose-up of woman doing glute bridge

The hip bridge is perfect for firming up your backside, building stronger legs, and building up your core strength. This move even improves your posture so your belly doesn’t stick out as much. You can do it anywhere and it’s super simple.

Lie on the ground with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Drive through your heels, and squeeze your glutes to push your hips up. Repeat. Do not use your lower back you pull yourself up.

To make improvements in your body, you need to improve your posture. The band pull-apart reverses those rounded shoulders that come from using a computer or phone all day. And of course, they also fire up your core. Unlike heavy exercises, they’re light enough to do every day for great benefits.

Grab an exercise band about shoulder-width apart held at chest height. Keep your elbows locked. Start by squeezing your shoulder blades together, and pull the band apart until your arms open 180 degrees. Do not arch your back.

RELATED: 8 Best Strength Exercises for Faster Abdominal Fat Loss that Get Your Heart Pumping

fit woman jumping rope for weight loss, concept of lose belly fat in 30 daysfit woman jumping rope for weight loss, concept of lose belly fat in 30 days

Jumping rope isn’t just for kids! This exercise is great for boosting your cardiovascular health and burning calories, which can lead to melting away fat in your belly. Even though you’re jumping, the movement is surprisingly low impact, and it forces you into correct posture or technique. Do a few minutes a day, and gradually increase the duration and complexity based on your ability.

woman doing bird-dogswoman doing bird-dogs

“Bird dog” is a strange name for a great move; it targets your glutes and core while increasing your coordination and balance. Do these every day so you can make consistent progress.

Get on your hands and knees with your hands below your shoulders and knees below your hips. Keep your lower back flat. Reach with opposite arms and legs. Think about kicking out your heel until you feel your glute turn on. Repeat.

RELATED: 7 Strength Exercises for Women To Melt Hanging Belly Fat After 30

resistance band bent-over rowresistance band bent-over row

Rows are awesome at burning fat because they target a lot of muscles at once to create a bigger demand on the body. By using bands, you can get some light resistance at home, at work, or on holiday.

Stand on a resistance band with your feet shoulder-width apart and with one end in each hand. Bend your knees slightly and bend your hips until your torso is almost parallel to the ground. Keep your lower back flat, squeeze your shoulder blades together, and row.

This list of the easiest daily exercises for women to lose belly fat and get trim wraps up with banded good mornings. The resistance band good morning targets all the muscles at your backside—hamstrings, glutes, and lower back—and even teach you how to use your hip muscles correctly. Using a band adds extra resistance for more muscle activation.

Stand on one end of a band with your feet hip-width apart, and place the other end of the band behind your neck with the loop in front of your body. Push your hips backward with a slight knee bend, keep your back neutral, and descend until your torso is almost parallel to the ground. Drive through your heels and return to the start position.

Anthony J. Yeung

Anthony J. Yeung, CSCS, is a fitness expert featured in Esquire, GQ, and Men’s Health and the founder of GroomBuilder, the destination for men who want to transform their bodies for their weddings. Join the free 5-day course to burn fat and build muscle for the big day! Read more about Anthony

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