I have an account with Dart Charge as I use the Dartford Crossing about once a month. This allows it to top up my account from my credit card.

However, on several occasions, it has taken money unnecessarily. It has also made “other charges” for no apparent reason. This occurred three times late last year, and twice this year.

I have written three letters, sent a copy of my credit card statement proving the deductions and raised at least 13 complaints. The points made in my letters are simply unanswered.

It admits to having “a systems issue”. My wife is disabled and I am 80.

Should I really have to send endless letters and emails to be met with a brick wall?

NE, Ware

You would have thought that this would have been an easy case to resolve but it’s anything but.

Last summer a private firm, Conduent, took over responsibility for vehicle identification and payment processing at the crossing.

The change prompted chaos in the following weeks, leaving lots of people reporting they were unable to pay.

I asked National Highways, the agency that manages the crossing, to look into your case, and it, too, failed to get to the bottom of it.

I suggested someone call you, but, despite you being on the phone for more than an hour, it has told you it can’t find the August payments on its systems.

You no longer have your credit card bill from the summer (and don’t bank online), so the impasse continues.

National Highways has said that the latest erroneous payment taken will be refunded, which is something, but failed to follow up with a promised email to you.

The fact that the organisation can’t resolve such a trivial thing in a timely manner is extremely poor.

Check your Dart Charge account closely, people, and God help you if you find a discrepancy.

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