The workout below is for Day 22 of the Just Enough Workout, a four-week workout plan. Today’s routine is pretty great on its own, but you can also check out the full program right here or browse the calendar here. If you’d like to sign up to receive daily emails featuring these workouts, you can do that here.

You made it to Week 4! That means you’re in the final workouts of this program—and we hope you’re already feeling stronger, accomplished, and maybe even a bit more energized? Just five more workouts stand between you and absolute workout program glory. So let’s get started!

Today’s routine includes the good morning, which is a stellar foundational exercise on its own, and can also help you prep for deadlifting. Like deadlifts, the good morning utilizes a hip hinge, and you should feel your hamstrings (the back of your thighs), glutes, and your back engaging as you complete this movement. A few helpful notes to keep in mind: When you’re at the bottom of this exercise (leaning forward), engage your core and think about your back being so flat that you could balance a glass of water on it. As you rise up, remember that this exercise is not a “bend and snap.” If it looks more like a dance move than a strength-building move, slow down and focus on using your glutes and hamstrings to “pull” your body back to an upright position.

Grab your medium dumbbell set (8–20 pounds) if you’re going for the Just a Little More route, squeeze in a five-minute warm-up, and then get started below!

Just Enough Movement Directions:

  • Complete each exercise for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds.
  • After completing all three exercises, rest for up to 60 seconds. That’s 1 round.
  • Complete 2–3 rounds.

Just Enough Movement Exercises:

  • Bodyweight Good Morning
  • Bodyweight Russian Twist
  • Bodyweight Bent-Over I-Y-T Raise

Just a Little More Movement Directions:

Complete each exercise for your chosen work/rest interval:

  • 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest
  • 40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest
  • 50 seconds work, 10 seconds rest

After all of your exercises are done, rest for up to 60 seconds. That’s 1 round. Complete 3–5 rounds.

Just a Little More Movement Exercises:

  • Good Morning (Medium Dumbbell Set)
  • Single-Arm Row (Left Side,Medium Dumbbell Set)
  • Russian Twist (Medium Dumbbell Set)
  • Single-Arm Row (Right Side,Medium Dumbbell Set)
  • Bodyweight Bent-Over I-Y-T Raise

Exercise Directions:

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