But was it turned into a newt? And did it get better?

The arrival of eight thousand or so illegal immigrants over the last five months have turned our nation’s capital into a “border town,” DC council member Brianne Nadeau declared today. And she didn’t hesitate to lay blame for the Beltway’s border crisis on … Texas governor Greg Abbott and Arizona governor Doug Ducey.

Who wants to tell her? Via my pal and colleague Julio Rosas:

The arrival of 8,000 migrants over five months makes DC a border town? Ridiculous, retorts Fox News reporter Bill Melugin. That’s not even a busy week for border towns in Texas:

Nadeau has no comprehension what Joe Biden’s border crisis has done to actual border towns and border states. Clearly, until now, she didn’t care either — and neither did anyone in Washington DC. Nadeau complains that the federal government hasn’t provided “resources” to DC, a complaint that apparently refers to multiple rejections of requests for National Guard assistance.

For this, Nadeau blames Abbott and Ducey for the “crisis” of illegal immigration. Nadeau doesn’t bother to connect the dots back to the real instigator of this 18-month border crisis — Joe Biden, who lives (mostly) in DC himself. If Biden and his fellow Democrats acted to dismantle the incentives for illegal immigration and took steps to seriously fortify the border, Abbott and Ducey wouldn’t have to spread out the impact of the massive waves of migrants.

Even more amusingly, Nadeau herself joined the sanctuary-city movement three years ago, and even called for the abolition of ICE. Nadeau also helped establish a legal services fund for immigrants, making the city even more attractive for the immigrant trickle she now decries:

Maybe if DC cooperated with ICE, and maybe if DC supported real border security, the problem would go away. Just saying.

Beege will have more about the official response from Mayor Muriel Bowser later. In the meantime, let’s have a debate as to whether Abbott and Ducey weigh more than a duck or whether they float in water.

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