Disorders Cure

oi-Amritha K

on December 23, 2021

Despite a growing number of “highly mutated” Omicron cases in the country and around the world, the Delta variant continues to pose a threat. Although it has been claimed that the Omicron variant of covid has spread considerably more than the Delta variant, another variant has also been noticed. The double mutation variation of COVID-19, which has emerged, has been given the name Delmicron.

Delmicron is a combination of Delta and Omicron and can transmit messages at speeds that are even faster than Delta. Delmicron, one of the twin spikes of Delta and Omicron, has led to a mini tsunami of cases in Europe and the US, according to reports [1].

What Is Delmicron?

Delmicron is one of the double variants of Covid that are spreading quickly in the West. Currently, COVID-19’s Delta Variant and Omicron Variant are found throughout the world, including India. Therefore this name was derived from combining both of them [2].

How Is Delmicron Different From Omicron?

Omicron is a highly mutated B.1.1.529 form of SARS-CoV-2 first detected in South Africa. Research indicates that this variant spreads faster and currently exhibits milder symptoms than Delta. In addition, the mortality rate is significantly lower than that of the Delta variant. At the same time, Delmicron was developed by combining Delta and Omicron, which is the equivalent of the twin spike of variants around the world, and that is how Delmicron differs from Omicron [3].

Is Delmicron Riskier Than Other Variants?

Factors such as a weakened immune system, advancing age, and comorbidities can increase the risk of simultaneous infection with Delta and Omicron. Additionally, areas with low vaccination rates may be at greater risk [4].

In addition, it may be possible that those recovering from Covid may be at higher risk of co-infection. At present, Delta derivatives are the main variants available in India. In other parts of the world, Omicron is rapidly replacing Delta. However, it is impossible to predict how Delta derivatives will perform in India.


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Story first published: Thursday, December 23, 2021, 23:38 [IST]


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