Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA) was among 180 people who were arrested Thursday during a pro-abortion protest in Washington, D.C. The intersection Chu and her fellow demonstrators occupied was located just feet from the Supreme Court and U.S. Capitol grounds. Thursday was the last day of the Supreme Court’s term. The protesters were issued three warnings before Capitol Police moved in and began arresting them.

The congresswoman was obstructing traffic, along with other protesters, and Capitol Police sent a tweet to warn drivers to avoid the area.

Chu said it was an easy decision to violate public safety laws and obstruct traffic flow, possibly endangering lives. Chu promoted her bill, the Women’s Health Protection Act, that will codify Roe v Wade. It passed in the House but not in the Senate.

Chu was first elected to Congress in 2009. She is the first Chinese woman voted into Congress.

The protest was organized by the Center for Popular Democracy Action and Planned Parenthood Action Fund. Planned Parenthood stands to lose millions of dollars in states that will now restrict access to abortions. They may actually have to start offering mammograms and other health services for women instead of building their work model on performing abortions.

Besides raising awareness of her bill in the House to codify Roe v Wade, Chu also calls for the elimination of the filibuster. “Every major right we have in this country — voting or women’s rights — came about because of protests,” Chu said. “That is what changed things in America for the better.”

Careful what you wish for, Democrats. Abolishing the filibuster could usher in a complete nationwide ban on abortion when Republicans take back control. Didn’t they learn anything after Harry Reid blew it all up in order to get some judicial nominations through the Senate? Joe Biden criticized the Supreme Court in Madrid before his return to the United States yesterday. President Norms should know about decorum but he doesn’t care. Perhaps he just forgot where he was.

President Joe Biden on Thursday said he supports an “exception” to the filibuster for codifying Roe, which Democrats, including Chu, have been calling for.

“I believe we have to codify Roe v. Wade into law and the way to do that is to make sure Congress votes to do that,” Biden told reporters in Madrid, where he was attending a NATO summit.

“And if the filibuster gets in the way — it’s like voting rights — we should be requiring an exception to the filibuster for this action to deal with the Supreme Court decision,” Biden continued.

If case there was any doubt, Joe Biden is getting his talking points from the far-left in his party. He thinks he is going to run for re-election in 2024 and will need their support to do so.

In the meantime, abortion is still legal in Washington, D.C., including late-stage and third-trimester abortions, in case any of the protesters need to know that.

How is it that people can come from all across the country for a protest in Washington, D.C. but when they realize that getting an abortion may require a woman to travel to a neighboring state, that is an impossible hurdle to jump?

Nonetheless, Chu persists.
