Three Tennessee legislators are facing expulsion after they helped lead an insurrection (at least by left-wing standards) at the state’s capitol building.
As RedState reported, a mob of activists descended on the legislators as they were debating gun legislation. Pushing and shoving with police officers occurred as the crowd trespassed deeper into the building, including the upper areas of the main chamber. Eventually, the three legislators in question took a bullhorn and joined the crowd they helped incite, shutting down the legislative process.
Now, those legislators, including a man named Justin Jones, are learning what consequences are, and they are none too happy about it.
TN State Rep. @brotherjones_ says “it’s morally insane” that he and two Dem colleagues are facing expulsion over gun violence protests.
“It’s very concerning and it represents a clear and present danger to democracy all across this nation that should trouble us all.” pic.twitter.com/GW5qRQIT3h
— The Recount (@therecount) April 5, 2023
Jones begins by decrying the work of the legislature, using a recent mass shooting committed by a radicalized transgender person to bolster his assertion. It’s pretty ghoulish given it’s his party’s rhetoric, including the idea that trans people are being “genocided,” which led to that tragedy.
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JONES: I think it’s morally insane that a week after a mass shooting took six precious lives in my community here in Nashville, my colleagues on the other side of the aisle, their first action isn’t to rein in this proliferation of weapons of war in our streets but it’s to expel their colleagues for standing with their constituents.
Democrats are nothing if they aren’t overly entitled. Here’s a pro-tip for Jones from someone who follows politics fairly closely. It is not his job to decide what his colleagues do. His colleagues are duly-elected, and they have a duty to carry out the wishes of their constituents. Tennessee is a red state that supports gun rights. Jones may not like that, but tough luck.
He continued from there by repeating the left’s favorite talking point, which is that anything they don’t like is a threat to democracy.
JONES: And so this is not just about losing that job. It’s about silencing the voices of over 70,000 people in my district. Altogether, the three of us represent over 200,000 people whose voices are being taken and silenced by a party that is acting like authoritarians. It’s very concerning and it represents a clear and present danger to democracy across this nation that should trouble us all.
That excerpt is just incredible. What part of democracy includes using a mob that represents a minority in the state to force their viewpoints on others by shutting down the legislative process? That’s not democracy, it’s tyranny. Jones and his colleagues are the authoritarians in this case. They are the ones who fomented and directly participated in an insurrection (again, by the left’s standard) to override the democratic process.
And for that, they should absolutely be expelled. Keep in mind, they don’t even have any remorse for what they did. Instead, they are doing hits on CNN playing the victim. To not expel them at this point would welcome total anarchy within the Tennessee legislature. Republicans, who own a super-majority in the chamber, must straighten their backs and do the right there here. To not do so would be profoundly harmful.
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