A sleep expert has revealed the top seven reasons people are unable to get a good night’s sleep and it’s bad news for those who like to unwind with screen time or love a late-night snack.

Dr Carmel Harrington, consulting sleep expert for Calming Blankets and an internationally recognised sleep scientist, said while engaging in unhealthy habits before bed is common many don’t realise the harmful impact this can have on their health and sleep.

Unhealthy habits include too much screen time, consuming alcohol, late dinners or snacks, working late, having inconsistent bed times, having caffeine before bed and having a ‘bad’ sleeping environment. 

Dr Carmel Harrington, consulting sleep expert for Calming Blankets and an internationally recognised sleep scientist, revealed engaging in unhealthy habits before bed is common, yet many don’t realise the harmful impact this can have on their health and sleep 

Dr Harrington said it is okay to indulge one or two nights per week but when these behaviours become the norm it can impact your sleep and even lead to sleep deprivation.

‘Alcohol is a sleep stealer. While it may help you get to sleep, it will suppress Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep – the ‘dream sleep’ that is essential to mental and physical wellbeing – causing sleep fragmentation and reducing overall sleep duration,’ she said.

‘Screen use before bed may also interfere with our sleep not only because, due to the bright lights of the screen, it delays the release of melatonin, but also because screens stimulate our brains, making getting to sleep problematic.’

Similarly, caffeine is a stimulant, she explained.

‘By transiently blocking adenosine (our sleepy neurotransmitter) it tricks the brain into thinking it isn’t sleepy, and because it can take up to eight hours to leave the body, having a coffee at 2pm can impact our ability to go to, and stay, asleep even at 10pm that night,’ she said. 

Deep sleep helps the body repair itself, while dream-sleep is essential for mental health and the ability to learn.

This means when we don’t get enough sleep our physical and mental health suffer as well as our ability to process information.

‘If an adult sleeps less than the required seven to nine hours a night regularly, they are also more likely to experience mood swings and increased irritability, and can be more susceptible to developing serious mental health disorders, including a fivefold increased risk of depression,’ she said.

But sleep patterns can be improved.

Late-night snacks and meals can disrupt your sleep, the expert warns

Late-night snacks and meals can disrupt your sleep, the expert warns

Late-night snacks and meals can disrupt your sleep, the expert warns

‘Replacing bad habits with good habits can vastly improve sleep. This can include adding weight to your sleep routine, such as heavy bed covers or a weighted blanket,’ she said. 

This, combined with ‘ditching’ your unhealthy habits can have a huge impact on your health.

Studies show young people between 18-30 are more likely to engage in harmful habits before bed time.

Almost 60 per cent of people in this age group admit to watching screens before bed regularly. 

Dr Harrington reveals the most common ‘harmful’ bedtime habits 

1. Screen time: 

We often spend more time on screens than we intend to, and this can reduce opportunities to sleep because it delays bedtime, resulting in decreased sleep time. When watching screens, we are psychologically stimulated, as exposure to bright light suppresses the release of melatonin, the hormone responsible for sleep regulation. Place limits on your use of devices at night, and switch off devices at least one hour before bed. Removing all devices from your bedroom room can eliminate the urge to use them. Those who live with family, a partner or friends, can also establish household limits on technology to keep each other accountable.

2. Late night snacks or meals:

Refrain from full meals within three hours of sleep time. A high calorie load can make sleep elusive and as the body is busy digesting it can cause sleep to be fragmented and may prevent you from getting deep sleep. This is especially important as we get older, as our metabolic rate slows and it can take longer to digest a meal.

3. Caffeine intake before bed

The chemical properties of caffeine can wreak havoc on sleep if taken late in the day. Maximum caffeine effect is experienced one hour after drinking it, at which point it peaks in our blood. After this, depending on an individual’s metabolic rate, it can take up to eight hours to leave the body. For those who want to get their sleep back on track, avoid consuming caffeine after midday. The older we are, the longer it takes for caffeine to leave our bodies due to decreasing metabolism.

4. Alcohol consumption

It is a common myth that alcohol helps sleep – in fact, alcohol is a sleep stealer. Alcohol can have an initial sedating effect, but it is rapidly metabolised and after four to five hours minimal blood alcohol will remain where the body can experience ‘rebound wakefulness.’ This refers to periods of shallow sleep and multiple awakenings, sweating, and an increased heart rate. Alcohol plays a major role in nearly 10 per cent of sleep troubles, so while the occasional late night of drinking is fine, frequent night caps will have a detrimental impact on sleep. It is best for Aussies to refrain completely or limit themselves to one standard drink.

5. Sleep environments that are too hot, uncomfortable and not sound- or light-proof:

 Dark, quiet, cool and comfortable bedrooms are conducive to good sleep. How you cover your body when sleeping also makes a difference. Using tools that bring comfort and aid sleep can be helpful. A white noise machine or a weighted blanket such as Calming Blankets, for example, promote deep tissue stimulation, which can calm and relax the mind and body. This helps individuals ease into sleep and enjoy a deeper sleep, particularly after a stressful day.

6. Late work or study:

 Sleep quality is often dependent on how the day is spent, and if it is filled with stress from an overloaded work or study schedule that progresses into nighttime, sleep can be impacted. Deal with the issues of the day in the early evening by spending up to 20 minutes writing down concerns and solutions. Then, close the book and put it away. Those frequently working late could consider having a transparent conversation with their workplace to adjust their workload. Maintaining a study schedule with deadlines and a commitment to work earlier in the evening can also be helpful. Working or studying late can also increase stress and anxiety levels and can be combatted by adding weight to one’s sleep routine, such as a weighted blanket.

7. Inconsistent bedtimes:

Keeping consistent sleep and wake times will regulate sleep and help Aussies maintain quality sleep. Our body craves routine, and inconsistent wake-up times can cause significant sleep issues as our wake-up time determines when we are able to go to sleep that night. When we wake, we set our body clock rhythm for the next 24 hours, including our sleep rhythm. For adults, this is about 16 hours after waking. For example, if you wake late in the morning, at around 10am, you may not be able to fall asleep until about 2am the following morning.

Source: Dr Harrington 




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