Dr Michael Mosley often shares his weight loss tips with slimmers online as well as on television. He is the creator of The Fast 800 – a diet plan that helps people lose weight quickly.

Quick strengthening exercises which don’t require special equipment are also advised.

Dr Mosley continued: “In case you’ve never tried HIIT, it involves a few very short bursts of strenuous exercise carried out in succession.

“Exercising in this way can help improve your aerobic fitness in a relatively short time.”

If you don’t have an exercise bike at home, the doctor recommended other activities that can be done for less money, or even for free.

For breakfast, the nutrition expert usually opts for mushroom omelette with Kimchi-style sauerkraut which, he said, is “great for the gut”.

As for lunch, Dr Mosley said: “I might have a turmeric chicken salad – turmeric has lots of anti-inflammatory properties – or a chickpea tagine.”

Dinner is salmon and broccoli or a Kimchi rice tofu bowl.

The nutrition expert tries to avoid snacks but, he said, “if I do occasionally indulge, it might be on something reasonably healthy like a handful of nuts”.

Dr Mosley added: “My wife Clare makes these wonderful sugar free chocolate brownies that contain beetroot and dates.

“They are pretty hard to resist but thankfully, they’re guilt-free.”

Source: Daily Express | Diet