It is important to drink several glasses of water a day to stay healthy. But, if you are actively trying to lose weight, downing more of the stuff could make a huge difference. 

According to nutritionist and dietitian Sushma Jaiswal (BSc Home Science, MSc Food and Nutrition), the general recommendation is to drink between four to eight glasses of water a day, taking into account factors like age, gender, and weight.

When it comes to losing weight, the recommended amount of water intake can vary. Taking to YouTube, the doctor explains that studies have shown that men should aim for 10 to 13 glasses of water.

Meanwhile, women should aim for eight to nine glasses to help with weight loss. “Now, if you drink one to two glasses of water before meals, that has a remarkable effect on weight loss, because you then tend to eat less food,” she said.

The health professional also mentioned that by hydrating with water before meals, you may feel fuller and consume fewer calories, ultimately aiding in weight management.

Once the stomach feels satisfied, it communicates to the brain that you are no longer in need of food. Drinking water can also assist with this by filling up the stomach, giving you a sense of fullness and decreasing hunger.

By decreasing your appetite this way, you can stop yourself from eating a lot, which can in turn contribute to weight loss. 

Plus, if you’re feeling hungry, it might actually be a sign of thirst. Opting for a glass of water instead of a snack could be all your body is craving and help you avoid unnecessary munching.

The dietitian added: “Research shows that individuals who consume two glasses of water before meals tend to lose weight at a faster rate compared to those who do not. Water plays a crucial role in distributing nutrients to all cells in the body, making it essential for the weight loss process.”

If you’re not a fan of plain water, the consultant recommends sprucing it up with a splash of lemon juice, or tossing in some berries for extra flavour.

Research has indicated a strong connection between higher water intake and shedding pounds. Some specialists have even labelled it as a natural way to curb hunger.

In an experiment involving 50 overweight women, who drank 500ml of water half an hour before each meal, experts found a decrease in their body weight, body fat, and body mass index. They also discovered that their appetite was reduced after doing this for eight weeks in a row.

A different research study demonstrated that drinking water can have a small impact on calorie burning.

Specifically, a study involving 12 individuals who consumed 500ml of cold and room temperature water showed that they had higher energy expenditure and burned two to three percent more calories than usual in the 90 minutes following the water consumption.

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