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Anti-animal testing lobby group the White Coat Waste Project (WCW) found in an investigation that EcoHealth Alliance has received at least $46 million from government agencies since the start of the COVID pandemic—despite the shady group’s questionable experiments at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China and its history of experimenting on animals.
The Alliance, headed by British zoologist Dr. Peter Daszak, just happened to be working at the Wuhan lab with funding from Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases when the virus magically appeared and turned the world upside down for the better part of two years.
But that hasn’t stopped the government from continuing to dish out millions to the group, according to WCW. Handouts include:
- $26 million from the Dept of Defense, including from a “Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction” account
- $7 million from the NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, including for dangerous virus experiments on humanized mice and hamsters in foreign labs
- $11 million from USAID (which also funded EHA’s animal experiments at the Wuhan lab)
- $263K from the National Science Foundation
Wuhan animal lab partner EcoHealth Alliance is still getting our tax $ for cruel, dangerous & wasteful virus experiments on bats, humanized mice & hamsters in foreign labs! 🦠🐁🐹🧪☠️#DefundEcoHealthhttps://t.co/BZpQWhzdui
— White Coat Waste Project 🥼🗑️ (@WhiteCoatWaste) February 12, 2023
That’s a whole lot of cash. As RedState’s streiff reported, part of that haul is a $3.3 million grant awarded by Fauci and the NIAID to study…wait for it…. bat coronaviruses in Southeast Asia. You can’t make this stuff up.
But there’s more—the Alliance even took pandemic relief funds:
- As we previously exposed, EcoHealth also inexplicably managed to squeeze another $1.5 million in pandemic bailout funds out of taxpayers’ pockets, even though they may have actually sparked the pandemic and were raking in millions of tax dollars!
The Sun reports that Daszak has not lost his love for studying viruses and animals:
Current EcoHealth Alliance projects include experiments with bats and hamsters on the deadly brain-swelling Nipah virus in Bangladesh.
Nipah is listed as a potential threat to mankind by the World Health Organisation.
In other tests, humanised mice are infected with zoonotic viruses in Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia, according to grant documents.
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What could go wrong?
As all these government agencies keep shoveling money at Daszak and EcoHealth, the Inspector General of another agency, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, just released a damning audit in January showing that the Alliance mismanaged its funds:
HHS-OIG’s new audit determines whether NIH grants to EcoHealth Alliance were monitored and managed in accordance with federal requirements. Read more: https://t.co/cxqBMp58OK. pic.twitter.com/sJnJGENAu3
— OIG at HHS (@OIGatHHS) January 25, 2023
No everyone in Congress has turned a blind eye to EcoHealth’s dangerous experiments and problematic financial management. Senator Roger Marshall (R-KS) and his colleagues back the Viral Gain-of-Function (GOF) Research Moratorium Act, which would defund dangerous animal experiments that are aimed at strengthening viruses and making them more contagious, while Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) and Representative Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA) are proponents of the Defund EcoHealth Alliance Act, which would do exactly what its title says.
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has also had numerous heated exchanges with former COVID czar Fauci, and is a vigorous opponent of gain-of-function research.
The White Coat Waste Project is not shy about its aim: to force the end of the funding of the EcoHealth Alliance altogether. Says WCW Senior VP for Advocacy and Public Policy Justin Goodman in a statement:
As the group that first exposed and ended EcoHealth’s calamitous collaboration with the Wuhan animal lab, we’re working with Congress to defund this rogue organization once and for all. Taxpayers should not be forced to bankroll reckless white coats who waste money, break the law and place public health in peril.
See Also: RedState’s extensive coverage of Peter Daszak and the EcoHealth Alliance
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