We don’t know a lot of the facts yet regarding a shooting that happened in Michigan. But the initial facts are very troubling. An elderly woman who was doing pro-life canvassing against an abortion ballot proposal reportedly was shot in the back in the process.

The “victim said that she was shot in the back/shoulder while leaving a residence during a heated conversation, and that the man who shot her was not a part of her conversation,” the pro-life group wrote in a press release Saturday. The unidentified woman is 83-years-old, according to police, though the Right to Life of Michigan identified her as 84 years old in the press release. [….]

“The victim does not know the identity or motive of her shooter. The victim is still recovering from her gunshot wound and wishes to remain anonymous while the criminal investigation proceeds,” the Michigan Right to Life press release stated.

Michigan State Police told Fox News Digital Saturday that the elderly woman was shot after a “verbal altercation while she was passing out pamphlets.”

The victim drove herself to the Lake Odessa Police Department after she was shot in the shoulder, according to state police. She was then taken to an area hospital, where she was treated and released.

The police are investigating.

This is on top of Democrats whipping up anger over the issue of abortion in the wake of the Dobbs decision as well as the White House demonizing both Republicans and even the Supreme Court as extreme. There was an assassination attempt against Justice Brett Kavanaugh. There were also firebombings and vandalism against crisis pregnancy centers and churches. Despite Jane’s Revenge taking credit for some of the actions, there have been no arrests, no FBI raids on anyone over the actions. Meanwhile, there was an FBI raid on a pro-life author at 7 a.m., by 25-30 agents with guns drawn in front of his screaming little children because the author allegedly shoved a pro-abortion protester.

What kind of a slimy worm shoots an elderly woman in the back? How can anyone possibly do such a thing? Again, we don’t know all the facts yet, but what we do know so far is concerning and raises questions, since it was following a “heated conversation.”

What we haven’t seen from the Biden Administration is a strong condemnation and an effort to bring those who are committing violence against pro-life centers and churches to justice. Again, it seems like a two-tier approach, without a lot of attention as to the real terrorism. Let’s hope this is not one more aspect of that.
