Elon Musk has definitely been a lot more open about his political views since his purchase of Twitter. Maybe he’s no longer worried about getting canceled or maybe he’s just trying to set an example. Whatever it is, he’s been saying things lately that I don’t think he would have said even a few weeks ago. Case in point, today Tom Elliot posted a video of Medhi Hasan on MSNBC in which Hasan argued that “America’s far left wants to give us free health care and free child care; America’s far right wants to give us white supremacy and no democracy.” Hasan then went to to say that this week could eventually be seen as a pivotal moment because a “petulant and not-so-bright billionaire casually bought one of the world’s most influential messaging machines and just handed it to the far right.”

Musk responded to that clip first by criticizing what Hasan was saying about the right and then by blasting NBC News more generally.

You could argue that Hasan was specifically talking about the “far right” not Republicans but it’s a fine line because he also said the “pro neo-Nazi faction of the Republican party” was “poised to expand dramatically” in the midterms. He didn’t really clarify what he meant by that but clearly he thinks a lot of GOP voters are eager to vote for neo-Nazis. There was an actual holocaust denier/neo-Nazi who ran for office for several years in Illinois. In 2020 the state GOP endorsed his opponent and campaigned against him, even running an ad with the line “Say no to the Nazi.” But since Hasan isn’t really being remotely fair in his assessment of what the far left wants in America, which goes way beyond single payer, I’m not very interested in giving him the benefit of the doubt.

Even if you want to quibble with the first tweet, the second one is pretty brutal. Matt Lauer’s office has been a subject of much discussion as has his treatment of women. And let’s not forget Mark Halperin or NBC News chief Andrew Lack who was also accused of preying on women who worked for him. Lack was also one of the people who allegedly killed the NBC story on Harvey Weinstein. Lovely people indeed.

Needless to say, people on the left were not very happy about Musk’s comments.

Glenn Greenwald thinks progressives radicalized Musk by turning him into an object of hate for their base.

There was a response to Musk’s tweet with some additional media criticism over the Ghislaine Maxwell trial.

Musk replied to that one as well, making a joke about someone writing a story about his own suicide.

Musk also took a shot today at the Biden administration’s new “Minister of Truth” Nina Jankowicz who called Musk and “online abuser” over his reaction last year to Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

Finally, yesterday he also mocked a Wall Street Journal that claimed a “shadow crew of billionaires” had encouraged him to buy Twitter.

The left is really turning all of its cultural power into an attack on Elon Musk and so far it doesn’t seem to be accomplishing much except, as Glenn Greenwald suggested, maybe it’s making his more outspoken about not wanting to be part of the left as it currently exists. I guess Musk has enough wealth, fame and influence of his own that he can shrug this off but the truth is that the far left really aren’t nice people and on the fringe they aren’t above resorting to threats and showing up at people’s homes to get their way. I sincerely hope Musk has a good security team because he’s going to need it.
