
1. What Is Viral Fever? Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

Viral fever is referred to as a condition in which the core body temperature increases due to a virus invasion or infections caused by viruses, and not by other pathogens like bacteria or fungi.

The viruses can attack any part of the body such as the lungs and intestines and the increased body temperature is an indication that the immune system has started invading the pathogens. Common symptoms include chills, body pain, sweating, headache and skin rash while common causes can be coming in contact with viral infections through the infected person’s droplets or contaminated foods and drinks.

To know more about the symptoms, causes, treatments and prevention of viral fever, read this article: What Is Viral Fever? Know More About Its Symptoms, Causes, Treatment And Prevention


2. What Are The Causes A Fever?

Fever is usually a symptom caused due to many factors or underlying conditions. The high temperature in fever often lowers down in a day or few, but sometimes it can be life-threatening when persists or recurs for long period.

The causes of fever can range from simple causes such as flu, earache or headache to severe forms such as a tumour or autoimmune diseases.

To know more about the different causes of fever, read this article: Did You Know What Causes A Fever? Check Out Number 19


3. Causes Of Fever At Night

Fever can be surprising and exhausting, especially if it occurs during the nighttime, while you stay healthy during the daytime. Nighttime fever could be a matter of concern and must not be avoided or neglected at any cost.

Some of the causes of fever at night can be pathogens, urinary tract infection, inflammation or connective tissue disorders.

To know more about the causes of fever at night, read this article: 12 Causes Of Fever At Night You Probably Didn’t Know


4. Effective Natural Home Remedies For Fever

Fever mainly goes on its own in a few days or by simple home remedies. Some home remedies such as garlic tea, turmeric milk, basil leave tea, clove oil massage, carom seeds decoction and cinnamon with honey can be safe and effective home remedies for treating mild to moderate fever.

These home remedies come with minimal or no side effects and give immunity against pathogens for the long-term..

To know more about natural home remedies for fever, read this article: 21 Effective Natural Home Remedies For Fever


5. Simple And Easy Ways To Get Rid Of A Fever

Fever can affect people of any age and any gender. Some fever types do not need medicines and go on their own or with the help of some simple and effective ways.

These effective ways may include staying hydrated, taking rest, cold compress, eating healthy foods to boost immunity and drinking herbal teas.

To know more about simple and easy ways to get rid of a fever, read this article: 14 Simple And Easy Ways To Get Rid Of A Fever


6. Dengue: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Dengue is a mosquito-borne disease caused by the spread of the dengue virus (DENV). Humans get dengue fever when the Aedes mosquito bites the infected person, become the carrier of the virus and then bites another individual and spread the dengue virus in their body.

Common symptoms of dengue include high fever, vomiting, muscle pain, rashes and swollen glands. Sometimes, the symptoms worsen leading to dengue haemorrhagic fever characterised by symptoms such as bleeding gums, problems in breathing, fatigue and blood in the urine. Treatments can be intravenous fluid and hospitalisation.

To know more about dengue causes, symptoms, risk factors and treatments, read this article: Dengue: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment


7. Neem Leaves For The Treatment Of Dengue Fever

Neem (Azadirachta indica) contains many active compounds such as quercetin, beta-sitosterol, nimbin and sodium nimbinate that possess antipyretic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activities.

This herbal remedy may help prevent the replication of the dengue virus and treat the condition at a faster rate. To know more about how neem leaves help in the treatment of dengue fever, read this article: Are Neem Leaves An Effective Remedy To Treat Dengue Fever?


8. Home Remedies For Dengue Fever

The symptoms of dengue start appearing within 3-14 days. The first symptom includes sudden onset of fever followed by headache, rashes, muscle pain, fatigue and exhaustion.

It is vital to treat the initial symptoms of dengue fever to prevent complications. Some of the effective home remedies include neem leaves, papaya and turmeric water. To know more about home remedies for dengue fever, read this article: 8 Effective Home Remedies For Dengue Fever

To know more about home remedies to cure dengue rashes, read this article: Home Remedies To Cure Dengue Rashes

To know more about healthy juices for dengue fever, read this article: 11 Effective Juices For Dengue Fever


9. Warning Signs And Symptoms Of Ebola Virus Disease

Ebola or Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is a deadly zoonotic disease that gets transmitted from infected animals such as fruit bats to humans and then, spread from one person to another through infected body fluid or contaminated needles.

Symptoms of Ebola look similar to flu or malaria in the beginning but may progress to severe forms and get life-threatening. To know more about ebola signs and symptoms, read this article: 15 Warning Signs And Symptoms Of Ebola Virus Disease


10. How To Prevent Ebola Virus Disease?

Ebola virus disease is caused by four strains of the Ebola virus. Due to the non-specific symptoms, the early diagnosis of the condition can be difficult. However, early testing of the patients with symptoms such as diarrhoea, internal bleeding, vomiting and muscle ache can help prevent the condition and it’s spread to other people.

To know more about how to prevent Ebola, read this article: Can Ebola Virus Disease Be Prevented?


11. Chikungunya: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments And Prevention

Chikungunya is an arthropod-borne viral disease caused by the bite of an arthropod such as Aedes mosquitoes. It is characterised by the sudden onset of fever and extreme pain in the joints.

The condition is prevalent in the rainy season and often affects children, elder adults and people with the weaker immune system. Treatment involves antipyretics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

To know more about chikungunya causes, symptoms, complications and treatments, read this article:What Is Chikungunya? Causes, Symptoms, Complications, Treatments And Prevention


12. How To Prevent Chikungunya Virus?

Chikungunya can cause high-grade fever, rashes and eye problems. Currently, there are no vaccines to prevent chikungunya, therefore, prevention is the best way to keep the virus spread at bay.

Some of the effective ways may include avoiding damp areas, keeping the surrounding clean and using bed nets. To know more about how to prevent the chikungunya virus, read this article: How To Prevent The Spread Of Chikungunya Virus

To know more about chikungunya fever symptoms, read this article: Chikungunya: How To Identify Chikungunya Fever Symptoms?


13. What Is Typhoid Fever?

Typhoid fever or enteric fever is a bacterial infection caused due to Salmonella typhi. The infection is caused when a person comes in contact with contaminated food or water, infected patients’ fomites or consume uncooked foods.

Symptoms include a fever that starts with low temperature and reaches high followed by diarrhoea, loss of appetite, skin rash, sweating and a swollen stomach. Treatment includes antibiotics and vaccine.

To know more about typhoid causes, symptoms, treatments and prevention, read this article: What Is Typhoid Fever? Causes, Symptoms, Risk Factors, Complications, Treatments And Prevention


14. Tips To Follow When You Have Typhoid Fever

Typhoid fever can cause symptoms such as fever in the evening, nausea, diarrhoea, fatigue and headache. Some healthcare tips such as cold compress, apple cider vinegar, watermelon juice, orange juice and basil ginger tea can help lower the temperature during the fever, boost immunity and prevent further infection.

To know more about healthcare tips to follow during typhoid fever, read this article: Health Care Tips To Follow When You Have A Typhoid Fever

To know more about diet tips to follow during typhoid fever, read this article:Diet During And Post Typhoid


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