President Joe Biden, repeating a now way too familiar chorus, told an audience gathered for the “United We Stand” summit that…

Biden says haters won’t have ‘last word’; wants to end social media immunity

U.S. President Joe Biden called on Americans to speak out against racism and extremism during a summit at the White House on Thursday, and said he would ask Congress to do more to hold social media companies accountable for spreading hate.

White supremacists will not have the last word,” Biden told the ‘United We Stand’ summit of bipartisan local leaders, experts and survivors.

Biden said America had long experienced a “through line of hate” against minority groups, one that had been given “too much oxygen” by politics and the media in recent years.

“It’s so important that we keep hollering,” he said. “It’s so important for people to know that’s not who we are.”

That dementia-addled crank keeps hollerin’ the same, tired old trope, while demonizing half the country as terrorists, racists, and extremists (right before he’ll say he never said that).

…The event also recognized communities that suffered hate-based attacks, including mass shootings at a gay nightclub in Orlando in 2016 and at a Buffalo, New York, supermarket earlier this year, in which 10 Black people were gunned down by an avowed racist.

I am curious if any of the survivors or loved ones of those murdered during the Waukesha Christmas Parade massacre were in attendance – or even invited? Perhaps that wasn’t the hate Mr. Biden keeps desperately looking for. We know dang well it isn’t.

No matter how many times he chants the mantra, waves his fist in the air, snarls, and spits, it won’t change the simple fact that the acts of violence he uses for narrative effect are not perpetrated by white supremacists. The military is being indoctrinated to drive out a hidden cadre of dangerous, subversive individuals who have yet to make an appearance. Even the footsoldiers of his personal Praetorian Guard, the FBI, are getting tired of being sent on fools’ errands, chasing after vaporous haters who don’t exist.

…Current and former FBI agents told The Washington Times that the perceived White supremacist threat is overblown by the administration. They said top bureau officials are pressuring FBI agents to create domestic terrorist cases and tag people as White supremacists to meet internal metrics.

The demand for White supremacy” coming from FBI headquarters “vastly outstrips the supply of White supremacy,” said one agent, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “We have more people assigned to investigate White supremacists than we can actually find.

How many of the “white supremacists” they actually do find are just your average smack talking blow-hard, who crumbles when his wife squawks at him, and the thought of a fight makes him feel queasy?

Never one to let go of anything – he managed to make it to the White House after all – Biden’s boys on the 7th floor are working another angle to rustle up these desperately sought bad hombres – by any means necessary. Miranda Devine broke a story Wednesday evening that should chill the soul of every 1st Amendment-loving American. In this day and age of Biden’s ever more strident Sieg Bile attacks and social media companies canceling people and free speech at will. I am curious how much longer “It’s a private company. They can do what they want,” excuses will hold.

Facebook spied on private messages of Americans who questioned 2020 election

…Under the FBI collaboration operation, somebody at Facebook red-flagged these supposedly subversive private messages over the past 19 months and transmitted them in redacted form to the domestic terrorism operational unit at FBI headquarters in Washington, DC, without a subpoena.

“It was done outside the legal process and without probable cause,” alleged one of the sources, who spoke on condition of ­anonymity.

“Facebook provides the FBI with private conversations which are protected by the First Amendment without any subpoena.”

These private messages then have been farmed out as “leads” to FBI field offices around the country, which subsequently requested subpoenas from the partner US Attorney’s Office in their district to officially obtain the private conversations that Facebook already had shown them.

“Questioned”? There are a lot of merely legitimate procedural questions in multiple states, less mind the heavier arguments, and you don’t have to march in the streets to have them, nor discuss them, NOR am I aware one needs permission, whatever side one has an opinion on. It used to be a free country. Nevertheless, for the simple fact of doing so, Facebook’s algorithm was set up to snag your off-page, private conversations and just…pass them along? This is synonymous with the concept of constitutional how?

…“It was a waste of our time,” said one source familiar with subpoena requests lodged during a 19-month frenzy by FBI headquarters in Washington, DC, to produce the caseload to match the Biden administration’s rhetoric on domestic terrorism after the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot.


Meta/Facebook went into CYA meltdown when the NYPost asked them for a comment.

…Facebook denied the allegations yesterday.

In two contrasting statements sent one hour apart, Erica Sackin, a spokesperson at Facebook’s parent company, Meta, claimed Facebook’s interactions with the FBI were designed to “protect people from harm.”

In her first statement, she said: “These claims are false because they reflect a misunderstanding of how our systems protect people from harm and how we engage with law enforcement. We carefully scrutinize all government requests for user information to make sure they’re legally valid and narrowly tailored and we often push back. We respond to legal requests for information in accordance with applicable law and our terms and we provide notice to users whenever permitted.”

In a second, unprompted “updated statement,” sent 64 minutes later, Sackin altered her language to say the claims are “wrong,” not “false.”

“These claims are just wrong. The suggestion we seek out peoples’ private messages for anti-government language or questions about the validity of past elections and then proactively supply those to the FBI is plainly inaccurate and there is zero evidence to support it,” said Sackin, a DC-based crisis response expert who previously worked for Planned Parenthood and “Obama for America” and now leads Facebook’s communications on “counterterrorism and dangerous organizations and individuals.”

…Facebook’s denial that it proactively provides the FBI with private user data without a subpoena or search warrant, if true, would indicate that the initial transfer has been done by a person (or persons) at the company designated as a “confidential human source” by the FBI, someone with the authority to access and search users’ private messages.

Good old Facebook – just “trying to protect people from harm,” as they send your private, personal chats off to the federal government to read to see how harmful you are. Benevolent dictatorships are the worst types. Oddly enough, as ‘harmful’ goes, no Antifa IMs were accessed or reported. Apparently just conservative and/or hard-core right folks’ messages – God forbid there was a photo on your page of you shooting a g-u-n. Flagged fo shizzle. But no head cracking, concrete throwing, courthouse burning Antifa. There’s a puzzler.

…In a statement Wednesday, the FBI neither confirmed nor denied allegations put to it about its joint operation with Facebook, which is designated as “unclassified/law enforcement sensitive.”

Responding to questions about the misuse of data only of American users, the statement curiously focused on “foreign malign influence actors” but did acknowledge that the nature of the FBI’s relationship with social media providers enables a “quick exchange” of information, and is an “ongoing dialogue.”

Should we be lucky enough to pull out a Senate/House takeover this November, barely stave off the complete destruction of the Republic, and complete the trifecta 2 years from now with a president who has the stomach for this fight, I can only pray Congress in these intervening years has started to seriously cripple these anti-American, unconstitutional fascists entrenched in our bureaucratic monoliths. FBI, CIA, IRS, military: take an administrative flamethrower to it all, and pound indictments where you can. There are no protections for all Americans at the moment – only for favored parties and the ruling junta. That is terrifying. God bless and protect the agents and folks among them who willing to come forward and start exposing the depth of the rot now. If we take back Congress, we need to reward their courage by showing ours, and hosing out this mess.
