Democrats have convinced themselves that the probable overturning of Roe v. Wade, set to happen in the next month or so if a leaked draft remains the final vote, is going to deliver a political boost in November.
Now, perhaps in some alter-universe where the left coalesced around a moderate response, such as codifying abortion up until 15 weeks, that might be true. I’d oppose such a measure because I’m pro-life across the board, but I can at least understand the political argument. Most Americans would support that position and perhaps side with Democrats if those were the battle lines.
That’s not the universe we live in, though. Instead, we live in the one where Sen. Chuck Schumer and his party are proposing a federal codification of Roe that allows abortion up to and during birth. Further, the fanatics have come out to play, and it’s not a pretty sight.
Here’s a sampling of some of the insanity that took place on Saturday, coming on the heels of Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s mental breakdown on camera. Does this look like stuff most Americans are going to support going into the mid-terms?
There’s a lot going on here
— Ultra Poso 🔥 (@JackPosobiec) May 7, 2022
“God killed his son, why can’t I?” asks a protester outside the Basilica of St Patrick’s Old Cathedral in Manhattan, NYC on Saturday. The protester was holding a bundle of baby dolls as part of her protest. Video posted by @ScooterCasterNY. #abortion #prochoice #prolife #catholic
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— Andy Ngô 🏳️🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) May 7, 2022
“Ladies, if you get pregnant, run on down to the abortion clinic, and have that little bastard sucked right out.”
They know what abortion is, and they cheer. Pure evil.
— Ian Haworth (@ighaworth) May 7, 2022
Make no mistake, what you are seeing in those videos is not the fringe of the Democrat Party. Rather, they are the face of the radical pro-abortion movement that is firmly at the center of current left-wing politics. Mainstream Democrats, whoever that is these days, may want to run from this stuff, but they can’t. It’s what they promote and it’s what they want to codify into law at the federal level. Yes, it’s crazy and incredibly uncomfortable to watch, but this is who they are. Never let them run from that.
Given that reality, does anyone actually believe that these lunatics, who have made killing children in the womb a sacrificial religion, are going to somehow garner majority support going into November? Nothing about the left’s response to this makes me believe it will do anything but further alienate normal Americans. Yes, contrary to my own beliefs, a majority of Americans believe abortion should be legal in the first trimester (with a majority against it after that). But when push comes to shove, are they going to side with the people dancing around, screaming about murdering “the little bastard” or with Republicans who are simply saying “let the states decide?” If we are betting on how that will go, I know where I’m putting my money.
Democrats can keep citing polls that supposedly show most Americans support Roe, but the truth is, most Americans have no idea what Roe does. The coming months will make clear that its overturning doesn’t end abortion completely, but simply allows what the majority support, which is a ban after the first trimester. Democrats have spent decades hiding the facts on this issue. They won’t be able to do so anymore, and in the process, they are laying bare exactly who they are. I expect the country to recoil, and for the GOP to do even better in the mid-terms than they would have otherwise.