With her glowing complexion and enviably slim figure, it’s easy to understand why Kylie Jenner is considered one of the world’s most beautiful women.

Yet, despite her stunning looks — and the fact she’s a self-made billionaire — the 26-year-old A-lister is no stranger to having her appearance criticised.

Attending the Jean Paul Gaultier Paris Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2024 event on Wednesday, Kylie showcased a pared-back style complete with a classic up-do and stripped back make-up. 

Stepping out in the French capital, she chose a minimalist approach to glamour in a corseted mini dress with a flowing champagne tulle layered over the top.

Yet social media erupted at the make-up mogul’s ‘reinvention’, accusing her of looking like she was in her 40s.

Looking worlds away from her usual ensembles at a Jean Paul Gaultier Paris Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2024 event on Wednesday, Kylie showcased a pared-back style complete with a classic up-do and stripped back make-up. Yet social media erupted at the make-up mogul's new look, accusing her of looking like she was in her 40s

Looking worlds away from her usual ensembles at a Jean Paul Gaultier Paris Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2024 event on Wednesday, Kylie showcased a pared-back style complete with a classic up-do and stripped back make-up. Yet social media erupted at the make-up mogul’s new look, accusing her of looking like she was in her 40s 

One cruelly asked: 'What did Kylie Jenner do to her face? I just read she's only 26 but she looks old as hell here.' Another — in a comment viewed 25million times — said: 'We're seeing in real time what long term filler usage does as you age'

One cruelly asked: ‘What did Kylie Jenner do to her face? I just read she’s only 26 but she looks old as hell here.’ Another — in a comment viewed 25million times — said: ‘We’re seeing in real time what long term filler usage does as you age’

One cruelly asked: ‘What did Kylie Jenner do to her face? I just read she’s only 26 but she looks old as hell here.’

Another — in a comment viewed 25million times — said: ‘We’re seeing in real time what long term filler usage does as you age’. On a similar theme, one claimed it was ‘crazy’ how such injections had ‘ruined’ her youthfulness.

Kylie, now dating Hollywood star Timothée Chalamet, has strenuously denied ever getting filler in her face — a supposed age-defying procedure becoming increasingly common among younger women. 

Last year, in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Kylie insisted that she had ‘never touched my face’.

Yet in 2015, after months of intense internet speculation, then-17 year old Kylie did admit to getting injections to plump her lips, revealing to the world that her thin lips were an ‘insecurity of mine’.

So, even though there’s no proof Kylie did have fillers, can they really make you look older?

Dermatologists today cautioned that excessive use can, ironically, have such an effect, giving disproportional results.

Such fillers — typically injections of collagen or hyaluronic acid — are offered in beauty clinics for as little as £75.

They are supposed to add volume or reduce wrinkles, with effects lasting up for up to 18 months.

Yet Dr Emma Wedgeworth, a consultant dermatologist and spokesperson for the British Skin Foundation told MailOnline that facial filler in younger people ‘can often look unnatural’.

She said: ‘Dermal fillers were originally used to compensate for volume loss in ageing faces.

‘When they are used for augmentation in younger people or to change original features, it can often look unnatural.

‘Our eye interprets this as looking older, in the same way as seeing heavy makeup on young children — it looks slightly inappropriate and out of place.’

She added: ‘It’s as yet unknown whether there are long term effects of having dermal filler from a very young age.

‘However, as fillers become more common in young people, I think we are certainly starting to see a real distortion in the norms of the ideal facial proportion.

‘Dermal fillers are an excellent treatment when used in the right hands, but it’s important that they are used with caution.’

Fellow consultant dermatologist Dr Emma Craythorne, who sits on the British Cosmetic Dermatology Group, said ‘problems occur whenever quite large amounts of filler is being used’.

She told MailOnline: ‘They used to say these fillers will dissolve and the body will gobble them up, you won’t have them after six months, nine months or one year.

‘But I do MRI scans on my patients three, four or five years later [after they have had filler], and I still see fillers there.

‘I’ll be operating, removing skin cancer from a patient and I’ll say ‘have you had filler here’ and they say ‘I haven’t had filler for 10 years’. But it’s still there. I can see it in the skin.’

Kylie, now dating Hollywood star Timothée Chalamet, has strenuously denied ever getting filler in her face — a supposed age-defying procedure becoming increasingly common among younger women. Pictured in 2020

Last year, in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Kylie insisted that she had 'never touched my face'. Yet in 2015, after months of intense internet speculation, then-17 year old Kylie did admit to getting injections to plump her lips, revealing to the world that her thin lips were an 'insecurity of mine'. Pictured in 2014

Kylie, now dating Hollywood star Timothée Chalamet, has strenuously denied ever getting filler in her face — a supposed age-defying procedure becoming increasingly common among younger women. Last year, in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Kylie insisted that she had ‘never touched my face’. Yet in 2015, after months of intense internet speculation, then-17 year old Kylie did admit to getting injections to plump her lips, revealing to the world that her thin lips were an ‘insecurity of mine’. Pictured, Kylie in 2020 (left) and 2014 (right)  

As well as pursuing lip fillers, Kylie has admitted to undergoing breast augmentation surgery as a teenager but came forward to speak about how much she regretted it. Pictured, Kylie with Timothee Chalamet's close friend and co-star Florence Pugh this week

As well as pursuing lip fillers, Kylie has admitted to undergoing breast augmentation surgery as a teenager but came forward to speak about how much she regretted it. Pictured, Kylie with Timothee Chalamet’s close friend and co-star Florence Pugh this week

She said: ‘Fillers lasts a lot longer than we think and most fillers are agents that draw water in.

‘Hyaluronic acid draws water into it, and it expands more than what you’ve put in. So it gets bigger at those areas. That allows for additional volume to the face.

‘But what it also does is it can block the lymphatic drainage, and particularly around the eyes, you see this.

‘So where filler will have been placed, it can block where the normal fluid would be able to drain away from the skin. You end up seeing things a little bit puffier or a lot puffier in some cases.’

Regular filler — ‘every six months, for example’ — will also ‘create a build up because some of these products are increasingly designed to last for a longer period of time’, she told MailOnline.

As well as being trolled for her ‘old’ face, Kylie’s cheeks and smile were also compared to actor Cillian Murphy earlier this month after attending the Golden Globes. 

One social media user said: ‘Imagine spending that much money on plastic surgery just to be told you look like a man in his late forties.’

As well as pursuing lip fillers, Kylie has admitted to undergoing breast augmentation surgery as a teenager but came forward to speak about how much she regretted it.

In the latest season of the Kardashians, she said: ‘I just wish, obviously, I never got them done to begin with. I would recommend anyone who is thinking about it to wait until after children.’

As well as being trolled for her 'old' face, Kylie's cheeks and smile were also compared to actor Cillian Murphy earlier this month after attending the Golden Globes . One social media user said: 'Imagine spending that much money on plastic surgery just to be told you look like a man in his late forties.' Pictured at the event on January 7

As well as being trolled for her ‘old’ face, Kylie’s cheeks and smile were also compared to actor Cillian Murphy earlier this month after attending the Golden Globes . One social media user said: ‘Imagine spending that much money on plastic surgery just to be told you look like a man in his late forties.’ Pictured at the event on January 7  

Last year, Dr Andrew Peredo, who specializes in aesthetic procedures of the face, speculated that Kylie may have previously had liposuction on her jaw and a buccal fat reduction in the cheeks.

He said: ‘This is hard to say because she went from looking young and having some baby weight on her face to now being a woman.

‘She could have done a little bit of buccal fat reduction in the cheeks to help reduce them a bit.

‘And she could have had some liposuction on her jaw to give some definition, but it is hard to tell.’

He also suggested her chin was now pointier, which may be the result of surgery, and that her nose appears ‘a lot thinner’ — the result of either surgery or makeup contouring.

Dr Peredo added: ‘Maybe the Kardashians didn’t like their noses much as that seems to be the theme for all of them to change the nose a bit.

‘For her, her lips do look fuller. When she was younger there wasn’t really much of an upper lip at all. But now it is very full, so she has had some sort of augmentation, possibly fillers or a fat graft.’


Lip fillers are usually made of hyaluronic acid, which is a naturally occurring substance found in the skin and other bodily tissues. 

Hyaluronic acid injections are generally safe but can cause redness, swelling, bruising, itching and tenderness at and around the site of the injection.

Side effects may affect people differently and should be discussed with a specialist before the injections are done.

If someone gets cold sores it can trigger an outbreak, and the injections may not be suitable for people who are at risk of keloid scarring – when scars become large and grow out of control.

Lip fillers can get infected when: 

1. Unregulated cheap products are used which cause a reaction with the tissue leading to a secondary infection

2. When treatment occurs in unsanitary conditions like the back of a gym or a patients sofa.

3. When there’s poor aftercare for example use of make up immediately after treatment.

4. Syringes are shared. This is poor practice but common in areas where people want to minimise cost by sharing syringes between patient. 

How to get safe lip fillers:

1. As per NHS England advice ensure your practitioner is a registered medical professional.

2. Ensure treatment is within a clean clinical environment such as a clinic.

3. Check you practitioner had the appropriate insurance and is experienced at the procedure and treating complications.

4. Always ensure you have a follow up appointment available to you as part of your treatment.

5. Adhere to aftercare and ensure you have emergency contacts for your practitioner.  

Sources: Save Face and NHS 

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