We all know that exercise is a hugely important part of our overall health and wellbeing. In fact, the NHS recommends we take part in at least 150 minutes of exercise every week to prevent certain conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and a fatty liver.

There are also numerous multiple health benefits to working out. Research has shown it can reduce anxiety and depression, as well as boosting brain function.

Aside from the health benefits, some people workout to get stronger while others are focused on making aesthetic changes such as losing weight. For this reason, stomach and ab workouts are an extremely popular type of exercise.

The abdominal muscles – or abs – are found between the ribs and the pelvis on the front of the body. We all have abs, they just might be hidden under a layer of fat, and some may be weaker than others.

Getting rid of that fat to become more toned and have a flatter belly is therefore a popular fitness goal for many people.

This may seem like a daunting task, especially if you are older.But one fitness guru revealed it is possible to flatten your stomach in just four weeks by sticking to a consistent routine, no matter your age.

Speaking on social media platform TikTok, fitness coach Petra Genco shared four simple at-home exercises you can do to achieve a flat stomach.

The 56-year-old, who looks significantly younger than her age, revealed her secrets via a workout video.

The four exercises were:

  • Dumbbell swings
  • Elbow to knee and toe touch
  • Mountain climbers
  • Elbow and toe crunches.

She said: “Get a flat stomach in four weeks at home. Do this workout every day for four weeks for results.” To start the routine she completed a set of dumbbell swings for 30 seconds.

This involved lifting a dumbbell above her head and then swinging it down between her legs while bending her knees slightly.

The next exercise was an elbow to knee and toe touch. Petra lifted up one leg at a time and while doing so tapped the knee and then foot with the opposite hand, and then repeated the process on the other side.

In a planking position on the floor she then carried out mountain climbers – where your arms stay in position while you bring your knees up and down as if running on the spot.

To finish she performed elbow and toe crutches, which were similar to the touches but from a laying down position.

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