We’ve all stood in front of the mirror at some point, pinching our midsections and wondering how long it would take to carve out those coveted abs. Whether you’re preparing for beach season or simply wanting to feel stronger in your everyday life, the desire for a toned core is something many of us share. However, finding effective exercises that deliver results without consuming hours of your day can feel like searching for a fitness unicorn.
Good news: we’ve consulted with top fitness experts who have shared their go-to exercises for developing abs efficiently. Rachel Weber, co-owner and personal trainer at Jack City Fitness, and Tyler Read, founder of PTPioneer.com, who has 15 years of experience in the fitness industry, have revealed eight simple yet powerful core movements that deliver serious results. Read on to discover these trainer-approved exercises that will transform your core routine and help you build the strong, defined abs you’ve been working toward.
Next up, don’t miss 6 Standing Workouts for a Stronger, Leaner Core.
Reverse Crunches

“You will do this by laying on your back with your knees bent and lifted in the air. Then, you will lift your hips and drive your knees and feet toward the ceiling. You drive the power here from your abs, then slowly lower back down to a neutral position. You definitely do not want to use momentum to get your legs into the air, as this can cause strain on the back,” says Weber.
“You can easily modify this by adding padding or support under the back. It will give you a little bit of assistance in your core. Alternatively, you can add ankle weights or use resistance bands to make this a little harder,” she adds.
Side Plank with Hip Dips

“For this one, you will find yourself in a side plank and practice dipping the lower hip towards the floor and then coming back to the neutral position. You will be engaging your obliques for this movement,” suggests Weber.
“For variations on this one, you can drop your lower knee for a kickstand that will take a little pressure off your lower back. You can also rest a weight on your upper hip, and when you dip down towards the group, you will be thinking about driving that hip back up towards the ceiling,” she says.
Flutter Kicks

“Flutter kicks are great for the lower abs! You will lay back and lift your legs only a few inches above the ground. Then, alternate kicking your legs up and down. This can be done in small, quick movements or in long, slow motions; it really just comes down to what your body can handle and how stable you can keep your core in the process. The most important thing in any type of variation is that the lower back is pressed into the floor and remains in contact the entire time. As soon as you feel that lumbar spine lift up, you need to stop and find an alternate option or workout, says Weber.
“If your lower back is compromised, you can always bend the legs slights during this movement, or as I mentioned earlier, slow it down,” she adds.
Deadlifts/Squats (or both)

If opting for deadlifts, you’ll need to have a loaded barbell in front of you. According to WebMD, your feet should stand apart approximately the width of your shoulders. The barbell should barely touch your shins.
Next, assume a seated position. Your chest and back should both be straight as you look ahead. Then, take hold of the barbell with an “over-under” grasp; one hand should be over the bar, while the other should be under it for extra strength.
Move your hips forward, and stand as you push your feet into the ground to stay stable. With a flat back, hinge your hips back as you head back to the start position, keeping your butt sticking out. The barbell should be on the ground touching your legs. Once you release the bar, return to the standing position.
“The heavy axial loading and stabilization of these major exercises build deep core strength and muscular thickness in the trunk that helps push abs forward if body fat is low enough,” Read tells us.
Hanging Leg Raises
To set up for this exercise, hang onto a chin-up bar with both hands, arms extended. According to Bodybuilding.com, you’ll roll your pelvis a bit back, then bring your legs up to form a 90-degree angle with your torso. Breathe out as you hold your legs in this position for a moment. Slowly lower your legs back to the position you started in as you inhale.
Read notes, “With straight or bent knees, hanging leg raises hit abdominals and hip flexors together, be sure to crunch your abdominals as you lift your legs.”

According to Breaking Muscle, you can “sprint your way” to washboard abs. Adding sprints to your routine can help you sculpt muscle, build up your speed, and achieve defined glutes, quads, and hamstrings. In addition, this vigorous form of cardio can help you strengthen your core and lower back.
Read adds, “Sprints burn tons of calories, build muscle, and give you a metabolic boost that can help melt the stomach fat that hides abdominal muscles.”
Barbell Twists, Cable Twists, or Russian Twists

If opting for a Russian twist, you’ll begin by sitting on the floor, MasterClass explains. Keep your legs together, and bend your knees. Both feet should be on the floor or raised a bit above it. Lean back so that your body forms a 45-degree angle with the ground. Your knees should be bent to make a 90-degree angle. Activate your core.
You can do this exercise with a weight plate, dumbbell, or medicine ball in both hands. Slowly switch between rotating your body and the weight to the left and right side. Make sure your lower body remains still as you rotate.
“Incorporate a twisting movement to hit the obliques, which gives a complete core appearance and highlights the definition on the sides of your body,” Read suggests.
Seated Knees to Chest, V-ups, or Toe Touches
It’s time to wrap up our exercises for instant abs with three options: toe touches, seated knees to chest, or V-ups. If you’re doing toe touches, this core exercise requires you to lie on your back and bring both legs up toward the sky, The Gym Group explains. Your arms should be straight and extended forward.
Crunch your body as you reach upward to touch your toes. The Gym Group notes that your upper back, head, and shoulders should all lift off the floor when doing this exercise.
“These core exercise variations are a great way to finish off your workout and give that final ab activation/pump to help define the muscles in the area,” Read says.