I’m glad to see that the former candidate for Michigan Governor, Tudor Dixon, still has some fight left.
Normally after a brutal campaign and you end up on the losing side most fade away. Yet those that actually care about the very issues they campaigned on stay for the fight and it looks like she is one of those folks.
I have been mostly quiet since the brutal defeat of the Michigan GOP on Tuesday and quite frankly the whole state of Michigan suffered and shall suffer more. While I have been one of the few people preaching to a brick wall for years here that Michigan is a blue state and occasionally turns purple, what happened this past Tuesday in a Blue Wave throughout the whole state even shocked me. I haven’t been able to fully process everything that’s happened, and while I’ve been catching up with people who are involved in multiple campaigns here and trying to find out what happened, I thought it would be another week before I really started to comment on the full-blown disaster here in the Great Lakes State.
Lucky for you fine folks and readers here at RedState, my colleagues have been absolutely on top of their game and kept you and me up to speed on the Red Wave that turned into a puddle this past Tuesday.
Whitmer won by a runaway margin here and the Michigan House and the Michigan Senate both flipped to Democrat control. In fact, the Michigan Senate had been held by Republicans for damn near 40 years and it was lost in the blink of an eye.
While most commentators are writers who are always quick to snap judgments and put the blame on that abortion was the main issue here I do agree with it. However, you might think that those in the party apparatus usually take a little bit longer to figure out what happened and how it happened.
They are supposed to be the pros that we all look to and try to figure out how to win.
Not here in Michigan though.
The best thing that I can say about the leadership for a number of years with Michigan GOP is that they are similar to California GOP, except California has nicer weather. Also, the only earthquakes we have in Michigan are political ones like we just witnessed this past Tuesday.
Other than that, two peas in a pod a continent away.
Now, while it might be vogue to be ripping on anything GOP after Tuesday’s debacle, I’m going to bring some receipts, as the kids like to say. I think it’s too easy just to say everything sucks; you have to bring examples to prove your point. This also helps with the possible case to be made that things can be rebuilt and maybe the GOP could win an election or two here in Michigan.
So let’s start with what Dixon commented on this past Thursday in response to what Michigan GOP Chief of Staff Paul Cordes released on that day. His initial synopsis released just 48 hours after polls closed is an amazing piece of work of “NOT OUR FAULT.”
I wish they would have put that much thought into getting candidates elected instead of a post-mortem without taking the time to actually think about what happened and not doing some C.Y.A. days later.
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Thankfully the former candidate herself was in no mood for this nonsense from the state party caretakers who are looking for scapegoats.
Here is what Dixon posted on Facebook.
She is spot on here.
I have sat back and kept my powder dry for the past six months at some of the damn sheer nonsense coming from both the state party and some of the local people who seemed to be more interested in torpedoing the GOP nominee against one of the most disastrous Governors this state or any state has ever had. Grethen Whitmer should have been beaten by 10 points in a normal state, but here in Michigan, with her record, 4 points. Even though I’m not a Republican and left my membership in ashes back in the 90s, I knew what was at stake here. I have said many times on my radio show in Ann Arbor, Michigan and here on the pages of RedState that the party is a bit backward but I was going to vote for the nominee.
That turned out to be Dixon.
Yet here we have the state party co-chair, Meshawn Maddock, endorsing Republicans in a state primary BEFORE the primary. She also was critical of the DeVos family here, which has been a huge ccontributor to the GOP and its causes for years.
Back in August delegates in Macomb County, where I live, were told by Chairman Ron Weiser that an alternative slate of delegates would be accepted to vote at the state convention. When that alternative slate arrived the convention held a vote to strip the Weiser-endorsed group.
Simply a damn mess.
The national GOP after the 2012 loss of Mitt Romney to President Obama conducted what they called an autopsy report that detailed what went wrong and how to win in 2014 and forward. The Michigan GOP leadership, led by Paul Cordes, evidently took around five minutes to conduct theirs. Probably because they were working on the report while they should have been doing things like trying to win the 2022 election.
My sincere hope as I stated was that someone like Tudor Dixon would stay involved and it looks like she will. She posted this just a while ago.
The Michigan GOP needs to be rebuilt ASAP because of the storm that is coming our way. The national economy is in the toilet and the leadership we have here is not up to the task. If the GOP does not get its act together we might have to become a province of Canada being the United States already has one California on its hands and once again, it has better weather.
More is coming on this and it better result in an improved party. If not and I have to rejoin the GOP, then I might as well move to California and join theirs.
I’ve heard they have nicer weather,