Our beloved president, Joey SoftServe, will travel to Poland on Friday after taking part in a NATO summit on Wednesday and a cameo appearance at the EU Council. In Poland, he will meet with President Andrzej Duda to discuss the war in Ukraine.

The Poles have been leaning forward in their support of Ukraine. The Polish government was chomping at the bit to transfer modernized MiG-29s to Ukraine. In addition, the Polish people have been engaged in disrupting commercial traffic from Poland to Belarus because it is well known that Belarus is just a transit point for shipping stuff to Moscow.

To say the least, I’m very concerned about Biden’s visit. From the earliest days of the crisis, I’ve never been all that sure which side Biden was on. More often than not, his actions before the invasion acted like those of a man eager to ingratiate himself with Putin; see Kyiv Is ‘Stunned’ That Biden Appears to Greenlight ‘Minor Incursion’ Into Ukraine and WH Tries to Clean up Biden’s ‘Minor Incursion’ Gaffe but They Only Make It Worse. In addition, I thought the bizarre joint press conference with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark “White Rage Boy” Milley tried to goad Putin into attacking Ukraine; see Why Today’s Austin-Milley Press Conference Convinces Me That Joe Biden Wants Conflict With Russia in Ukraine.

The Biden bunch has gone a long way towards treating Poland like an enemy. Biden was the guy who pulled the plug on Poland’s plan to transfer MiGs to Ukraine; see Revealed: The Real Reason That Deal to Send Fighter Jets to Ukraine Fell Through. Our alleged Secretary of State Anthony Blinken made a statement that seemed to put Poland outside the protection of NATO; see Did Blinken Put Poland Outside NATO Protection if It Transfers New Fighter Aircraft to Ukraine?

Given Biden’s obvious cognitive issues, I think him talking to anyone other than his freakin dog is a bad move. He certainly can’t match the courage of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, Petr Fiala of the Czech Republic, and Janez Jansa of Slovenia meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal in Kiev (see Three Prime Ministers Brave Artillery Fire in Ukraine as Joe Biden Unveils a New White House Tour Schedule). Plus, even on his best day, he never had the stones to do that.

Despite the obvious diplomatic disadvantage we have, it turns out that we have an inadvertent ally. Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia and long-time Kremlin fixture, rode to our aid.

Here are some of the highlights.

The Polish Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, his Deputy Prime Minister, Jarosław Kaczyński, and the Prime Ministers of the Czech Republic and Slovenia traveled to Kiev by a specially guarded train. Just as Lenin once did, in an armored railwagon, with the German money.

Polish propaganda is the most evil, vulgar and shrill critic of Russia; a community of political imbeciles.

While in our country, concealing even the darkest pages of our shared history is unacceptable, in Poland, they dream of wiping out even the Second World War. First and foremost, they want to forget the Soviet soldiers who defeated Fascism, drove the occupiers out of Polish cities and prevented them from blowing up Kraków, who freed the prisoners of the Oswiecim and Majdanek extermination camps.

Now, it is going to get worse. The same goes for many other moves, driven by cheap politics under the guise of “de-Russification” rather than economic considerations. Yet, at the moment, for the vassal Polish elites it is far more crucial to swear allegiance to their overlord, the United States, than to support their own citizens; which is why they will keep the flames of hatred against their foe, Russia, burning constantly.

Most probably, they will then make the right choice themselves, without the prompts and pressure from the suffering from dementia overseas masters.

There is a lot to unpack in here. Back in 2007, Poland passed a law permitting the removal of “communist era” statues. Most of those were monuments erected by the Soviets, extolling how great the Red Army and Soviet Occupation were. There was never a mention of the Soviet invasion of Poland in 1919, which resulted in Marshal Pilsudski thrashing the Bolsheviks in the Battle of Warsaw. There are no mentions of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. No acknowledgment is made of the Soviet invasion and partition of Poland with its ally, Nazi Germany. There isn’t a whisper of the Katyn Forest. No monument claims credit for the betrayal of the Warsaw Uprising. The rapes and murders of Polish citizens, including nuns, by the “liberating” Red Army don’t rate a single stone marker. No, the monuments all sing the praises of the heroic Red Army soldiers who pillaged a country they had already invaded and betrayed. All in all, some 500 Soviet memorials were targeted for removal.

There is obviously much more at play than recent history and alliances. Public opinion polling regularly shows that upwards of 80% of Poles have negative feelings about Russia and Russians. So Medvedev’s juvenile appeal to the Polish people to suck up to Putin. Putin, for his part, has demonstrated complete contempt for Poles and Poland. When he visited Warsaw in 2002, he refused to go to the monument for the Warsaw Uprising. Many had thought he would offer some word of apology for the slaughter of some 22,000 Polish intellectuals, politicians, and military leaders executed by the Soviet NKVD. They were very wrong.

The current ill-will between Poland and Russia is also political. Poland supported the Orange Revolution that rousted a Russian stooge from Kiev and gave the Ukrainian people a chance to choose their own government. In addition, Poland was one of the first nations to sign onto sanctions against Russia after the illegal annexation of Crimea. And Putin’s Ukraine excursion has inspired the Polish government to increase defense expenditures boosting it into third place in NATO, behind Greece and the United States.

The bizarre message from Medvedev seems almost calculated to offend Poles and to put the Polish government on notice that the Russians don’t intend to rest until Warsaw, again, is a vassal state of the Russian Empire. But with Joe Biden representing our interests, we need all the help we can get because even the Russians have noticed that Joe Biden is demented.

Entire Text via VK

While Europe is getting painfully aware of the damage the anti-Russian sanctions are causing it, our most favorite European country is, as usual, going ahead of the locomotive. Literally, that is.

The Polish Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, his Deputy Prime Minister, Jarosław Kaczyński, and the Prime Ministers of the Czech Republic and Slovenia traveled to Kiev by a specially guarded train. Just as Lenin once did, in an armored railwagon, with the German money.

They talked to Zelensky, promising aid and friendship. They lied, of course. Back home, Morawiecki ceremoniously proclaimed that the “de-Russification of the Polish and European economy” program was underway. Having said that, he also courageously clarified that “all this will cost money”.

Morawiecki is absolutely right: It is costly and senseless. Poland, however, can leave these expenses out of consideration; in the long years of fostering pathological Russophobia it has lost whatever it possibly could. So now, as Poland’s favorite neighbors in Ukraine put it, in for a penny, in for a pound.

When it comes to Russia, Poland starts literally writhing in “phantom pains”. Its elites find it too challenging to accept that almost 400 years ago, the Time of Troubles ended with the Polish invaders driven out of the Kremlin, and that later on, the great Commonwealth of Poland failed as well. And that the reason behind all this was not Russia’s scheming, but the internal squabbles, corruption, economic failures and lost battles. And so it went on and on for centuries.

Polish propaganda is the most evil, vulgar and shrill critic of Russia; a community of political imbeciles.

While in our country, concealing even the darkest pages of our shared history is unacceptable, in Poland, they dream of wiping out even the Second World War. First and foremost, they want to forget the Soviet soldiers who defeated Fascism, drove the occupiers out of Polish cities and prevented them from blowing up Kraków, who freed the prisoners of the Oswiecim and Majdanek extermination camps.

Now, history is being re-written, monuments destroyed; instead, the fascist occupation is openly equated to the “Soviet one”. It’s hard to invent rhetoric more deceitful and disgusting, but the Poles succeed.

Yet, in Russia, there weren’t – and aren’t – any anti-Polish sentiments. According to sociologists, the citizens of our country treat that people quite friendly. It is impossible to forget the surge of sympathy and compassion in Russia in the aftermath of the plane crash near Smolensk, when a group of high-ranking officials, headed by the Polish President, died. People were bringing flowers to the embassy and Catholic churches, shared their condolences in the media and social networks. I, as the head of state, declared a Day of Mourning in Russia.

Later, while visiting Poland, I got convinced that nothing stood in the way of our relations’ improvement, that it was a road with oncoming traffic. However, the Polish political elites led by Kaczyński Number Two’s PiS party, controlled by their American masters, did everything in their power to block the natural way.

Presently, the Polish citizens’ interests are being sacrificed to the Russophobia of these inept politicians and their obviously senile overseas puppeteers. The decision to stop buying natural gas, oil, and coal from Russia and resistance to launching Nord Stream 2 have already seriously damaged the country’s economy. Now, it is going to get worse. The same goes for many other moves, driven by cheap politics under the guise of “de-Russification” rather than economic considerations. Yet, at the moment, for the vassal Polish elites it is far more crucial to swear allegiance to their overlord, the United States, than to support their own citizens; which is why they will keep the flames of hatred against their foe, Russia, burning constantly.

What will their citizens gain from this? Absolutely nothing.

Yet, sooner or later, they will understand that hatred for Russia does not help bonding the society and does not promote peace and well-being.

And vice versa: The economic partnership with our country is beneficial for the Poles, human connections are irreplaceable, and the cultural exchange between the motherlands of Pushkin and Mickiewicz, Tchaikovsky and Chopin, Lomonosov and Kopernikus, is vital. Most probably, they will then make the right choice themselves, without the prompts and pressure from the suffering from dementia overseas masters.
