Freezing Eggs For a Later Pregnancy: What is The Ideal Age for Egg Freezing?
What is The Ideal Age for Egg Freezing?

When you freeze your eggs, you have the option of having a child whenever it suits your circumstances rather than when your body’s biological clock dictates that you must.

In recent years, advanced technologies in healthcare have provided women with a remarkable opportunity to extend their reproductive timelines: egg freezing. This ground-breaking procedure provides the opportunity for women to preserve their fertility by storing their eggs at a younger age, which can be used later when they are ready to start a family. However, the question of the ideal age for egg freezing remains a topic of considerable interest and debate.

So What Is The Ideal Age For Egg Freezing?

There has been a significant change in the lifestyle of women with more of them pursuing higher studies, establishing careers, and prioritizing personal goals and achieving dreams before they decide to choose the family way. Egg Freezing is one of the ways of preserving a woman’s fertility so they can have control over their reproductive choices.

Women are born with a finite number of eggs, and as they age, the quantity and quality of eggs gradually decline. While there is no strict cutoff age for egg freezing, it becomes more challenging to achieve successful outcomes as the quantity and quality of eggs decrease with age. With the current lifestyle, freezing your eggs at a younger age, typically in your 20s or early 30s, is highly recommended for better egg quality thereby resulting in successful pregnancies in the future.

The younger the eggs, the higher the likelihood of obtaining viable embryos and achieving a successful pregnancy when the time is right. The process of egg freezing involves collecting the eggs, freezing them and then defrosting them for assisted reproductive techniques, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), when a woman is ready to conceive.

For women who have autoimmune diseases or cancer that require Chemo and Radiation therapy, Egg Freezing is like a blessing in disguise. The treatment of these diseases impacts the quality of eggs. In this scenario, you can freeze the eggs before starting the radiation therapy, thereby, fulfilling the dream of becoming a mother in the future.

It is also important to take into consideration the emotional and psychological benefits that early egg freezing can provide. Many women experience anxiety and stress due to their current lifestyle, and unhealthy eating habits resulting in hormonal imbalance issues. By deciding to freeze the egg in their early 20s, women can alleviate the pressure and gain peace of mind, knowing that they have taken proactive measures to safeguard their fertility. It provides greater flexibility in planning for the future and provides a sense of empowerment over their reproductive choices.

If you are considering egg freezing, it is advisable to consult with a reputed fertility specialist who can assess your individual circumstances and provide personalized guidance based on your age, fertility health, and any specific medical concerns you may have.

Bottom Line

As societal norms and lifestyles continue to evolve, it is very much advisable for women to freeze their eggs in their 20s rather than wait till their 30s. Early egg freezing is a powerful tool for women to embrace, empowering them to build the future they desire. By taking proactive steps towards egg freezing, women can increase the chance of having successful pregnancy when the time is right. This reduces stress and anxiety related to fertility and gain greater control over their fertility choices.

(The above article is written by Dr Deepthi Bawa, Consultant Gynaecologist, Reproductive Medicine & IVF, SPARSH Hospital, Bangalore.)

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